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Everything posted by Wasmachineman_NL

  1. Should I just bite the bullet and get that €200 Unify-X off Alternate?
  2. Plot twist: Splave is already testing Raptor Lake and that's why he had to censor the mobo
  3. Is the 2.5GB Realtek LAN on the B550 U-X supported under Win7?
  4. damnit Alternate upped the price of the B550 Unify-X again, it's gone back up to €280 Added a 2700X to the wanted list btw.
  5. Hope you got DEEP pockets: https://www.ebay-kleinanzeigen.de/s-anzeige/evga-z690-dark-kingpin/2185045629-225-13049
  6. Cool, will get one if I have some spare cash.
  7. From a job lot of GPUs I bought and tested I have the following cards I won't be using: HD 4850 reference Sapphire HD 4870 (ref?) ASUS HD 4890 TOP with a damaged fan MSI 8800 GTS 320MB Point of View 7800 GTX PCIe
  8. Can I interest you in a HD 4890 TOP? Needs a new fan as the right one is missing a blade.
  9. Said link isn't mine. I could work as a intermediary to get it your way though.
  10. Wouldn't be hwbot without this site being broken as fυck at times :^) Extreme9, the board with the bizarre DIMM layout?
  11. https://www.marktplaats.nl/v/computers-en-software/moederborden/m1860258009-evga-sr3-dark
  12. Don't underestimate how autistic some people (like yours truly here!) can be about Windows 7. t. 5950X/C8DH/6900 XT under Win7
  13. Is the B550 Unify-X compatible with Ryzen 1000 and 2000 CPUs? Speaking of compatibility, what about Windows 7? EDIT: So apparently it should support Zen/+. Cool. Win7 support is still up in the air though.
  14. also congrats you got yourself mentioned on VCZ https://videocardz.com/newz/amds-threadripper-pro-5995wx-cpu-gets-overclocked-to-5-15-ghz-beats-cinebench-world-record
  15. "Btw on mobile" found your problem OP
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