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Everything posted by xoqolatl

  1. Either have next years Country Cup end before Christmas, or do it in January next year. That way we won't have to choose between benching and family
  2. What about -nosysteminfo? Is a score without systeminfo valid?
  3. Is it ok if I submit a result without systeminfo? Damn systeminfo won't work on my motherboard, no matter what... just hangs the bench.
  4. Dammit, you're really raising the bar Congrats!!
  5. Engineering samples are not allowed!
  6. Processor manufacturers is not absolutely necessary. This would be good: (processor maker) -> socket -> chipset -> motherboard maker -> list of mobos
  7. Very good clocks there mate But Gigabyte boards are much slower on highest mem divider...
  8. One night is not enough guys, four is the minimum for winning
  9. Thanks guys We couldn't have done any of our Llano scores alone, strength is in numbers
  10. Very nice, especially memory speed
  11. Same here... A6-3650 seem to only exist as press samples Good luck with your show and HD 3000
  12. But those 1xx go away few days later, and 50 for winning a live event stays forever! Eternal glory!
  13. Congrats! Sick score... good clocks and tweaked well
  14. Not OK to share the GPU, so if your GPU is on the mobo (example: 890GX, GeForce 9400) you can't share the mobo. If your GPU is in the CPU package (LGA1156, 1155, Llano) you can share the motherboard but not GPU/CPU.
  15. What do we need except the mandatory CPU-Z validation? - screenshot of the whole screen? - screenshot of memory tab in CPU-Z? - picture of the screen? - rig picture?
  16. It's gonna be Hannibal ante portas
  17. Thanks slamms! We're trying to break the tradition and work together for a change
  18. Smoke, I apologize for not believing you - you really didn't have anything better
  19. Ryba and Chaos benching together = score sharing, three Greeks benching together = team session?
  20. Why is this score blocked? http://hwbot.org/submission/2225937_
  21. I dunno, should be here any moment! EDIT: Sorry but I don't believe you
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