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Everything posted by zeneffect

  1. you going to make me post a backup tonight
  3. yep, pushing all 5 timings HARD lol.
  4. I guess Windows 10 subs in 32m will always be an uphill battle. Oddly enough, Windows 7 when done right is actually faster.
  5. what were your main voltages? the more I learn about this platform the more it reminds me of Clarkdale behavior.
  6. Chew* had mentioned this on xs. Something slacked in timings that is not visible. As compatibility increases for higher clock potrntial, efficiency decreases. It should be fixable once and opens up sub timings, but for now 2400 strap on 1001 is what is working best for me ATM.
  7. 1001imo. Bias is auto.
  8. subbed, your turn. 8:19s are definitely doable @ 4ghz edit: 8:18s
  9. Yea don't do that on biostar gt7.. Then leave ln2 switch on and wonder why flashing bios takes over an hour lol
  10. zeneffect`s SuperPi - 32M score: 8min 26sec 189ms with a Ryzen 7 1700X Dang just a few MHz off, I got something else though if you want me to sub it
  11. DISM /Online /Enable-Feature /FeatureName:NetFx3 /LimitAccess /Source:e:\sources\sxs e:\ being the windows image.. which can be mounted or extracted somewhere. change to suit your setup.
  12. Congrats on your windows 7 sub. There are far more ways to spot windows 10 than graphics . Your submission was discussed behind closed doors and we found no less than 11 different points of contention that showed windows 10. I appreciate you removing the sub and keeping the peace, I am certainly tired of the flame wars on here and just about everywhere else on the internet. Congrats on the amd wr again.
  13. Clearly windows 10. Can tell just by looking at the window borders. Ill call out your sub just like you called out mine only for the pure reason is thst its clearly windows 10. If it were windows 7 id say great run but it isnt so... reported. At leat im forthcoming and transparent about my subs instead of blatently lying. Nice try but no, you are attempting to cheat at this point as you know exactly causes rtc bug and you showed that you did them in this submission. If i were you i would just delete the sub instead of dragging it out as anyone with eyes can see this is windows 10, ignoring the score entirely. Shenanagins AND no integrity. You must take me for a fool because those other subs you linked only prove my point further. Thank you, you sir have shot yourself in the face. If this is an elaborate ploy to get moderators to clean up the subs, then my sincerest aplogies and well done.
  14. you complain about windows 10 subs, then you make one yourself? wtf.
  15. you know biostar wont even return an email? been begging for a beta bios that fixes a few issues for WEEKS. any help would be appreciated guys! I could switch to c6h and smash this. yea BIOSTAR.
  16. win10.... expect the trolls to come out and flag this. AMD WR, nicely done!
  17. Actually, loading ot on this biostar wasnt easy as front header wouldnt initialize with usb driver. You have no idea, been fighting drivers in another os for 3 days straight
  18. windows 7, untweaked. biostar, slower than c6h. times line right up to what was stated previously. my w10 still bugged?
  19. Thanks Allen! 32m scores are consistent every reboot, ive yet to get a slower score like on biostar. hpet enabled, no bclk changes (auto) and no multi changes (no ryzen master or other utilities installed) not posting up windows 7 score because its friggin retarded. I'm working on something else right os wise now and will be reposting hopefully this weekend with a different board, cpu, and results. this result was posted as a benchmark for others to get started on AMD. not much competition going on with Ryzen and 32m ATM... maybe because of temporary OS limitation
  20. ill leave it to mods to determine if an rtc bug is worth 20+ seconds (its not) proof of c12 regardless. ill repost if this goes down as backups upon backups upon backups. to be honest, this isn't even a strong run...
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