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Posts posted by Rauf

  1. 6 hours ago, richba5tard said:

    Every time i brought up the discussion with PJ that hwbot rev 4/5/6/7 is too complex to understand or maintain, the main counter argument was that a simple and understandable algorithm encourages hw sharing and encourages quantity over quality submissions. He had a good point.

    The subscription fee is not deemed viable for hwbot. The server infrastructure alone costs about 10k a year (and thats after the rev7 optimization, it used to be +15k).

    I would say that the situation is different now. The complex point system is no longer needed, or at least has lost its way. Does anyone even have an idea of what the purpose of the current system is? Can anyone define it?

    I think the answer is "something to please everyone". Which ends up being shit for most. And so we have like 6 different rankings, world ranking, overclocker league, global, hw, team, etc. We already have quantity over quality. First place in 3way 3d05 is worth more than wr in 3d01, pifast etc.

    The current system is a mess.

    If hwbot still thinks competitive rankings are the way to go and wants to promote quality (top scores). Why not just add fixed bonus points to top 10 or 20 scores in each ranking. Every other score is just pure %. No need to involve complex logarithms.

  2. Appreciate all the work to fix the rankings. But it seems issues keep appearing no matter what is done. Makes one think what it is all for? Do anyone really care about the rankings anymore? I'm sure the few pros left only bench for records, not for points. Others bench for hw golds or a good position in the global rankings of some benchmark. But does anyone care about an overall ranking anymore?

    Maybe consider removing all points and just keep it as a pure database. Or if you really want to keep the points, remove the complex algorithms and just do percentage of top score. 99% = 99 points etc.

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