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Everything posted by Rauf

  1. Great run! Any idea why my card can do 2100 core in fire strike pretty easily, but stuck at 1850 in Heaven? I'm on vacation with family so I can't rerun anyway
  2. Latest from asus official site works well. Also the version mentioned here in this thread.
  3. Can you run the benchmark at all or does it crash while running if you don't apply these settings?
  4. Yeah, tried both win7 and 8. Latest driver in 7 and older driver in 8.
  5. Jre, did not try jdk. Is it better? Win 10 64 bit
  6. Been using AX1500 for gpu only, or 8 pack psu for whole system (z170). Crash occur with screen lock or black screen. Task manager works to access error message from Unigine. After closing error message and disable and reenable gpu in device manager everything works again.
  7. Tried my card on LN2 last weekend at the MLG bench meet. Used Unigine Heaven Xtreme as I was benching for the Pro OC cup. Had a lot of trouble, card wouldn't do any more than 1850 core. No matter volts or temps. Tried it again yesterday, this time testing possible clocks with Fire strike GT1. Did 2100 core pretty easily. Then back to Heaven again and...max 1850! Any ideas what's causing this? Or just unlucky and that's the way this card behaves in Heaven? From the top scores it seems Heaven and Fire Strike should be able to do about the same clocks.
  8. No, that's the way this benchmark works. Very stable speeds equals more points than higher speeds that are not as stable. HWBOT Prime has always been strange on Skylake.
  9. Newest bios work for both XP32 and -64 on Impact and Extreme. Just make sure you follow the instructions in the guide, many isos you can find won't work without modifications. As for Win 7 I would say your iso is not properly configured. I sometimes loose USB-functionality on the top USB-ports on the Extreme when OC'ing on LN2, but that is not likely to happen at air cooling.
  10. Stages are correct but total is still incorrect (points don't add up to correct sum and ranking).
  11. Thanks! Can you update the ranking manually? New points don't count for the total.
  12. Redid the powermods today. Got some flux to and learned about that It helps alot. Also used 1,5 mm2 solid copper wire instead of just solderblob. 1,5 mm2 is probably overkill but now it's properly done at least. After proper mods, 6% power at load on air:
  13. They are close enough on air that I would say try them all It's a guessing game as to which scales the best. Are you coming to sheffield? Someone said you couldn't make it?
  14. Thanks for the replies, I will redo all three power mods tomorrow. Will try with wire instead of solder blob. Maybe it sticks better.
  15. Did the mods today. The cold throttling is a very small resistor and hard to desolder (for me at least). I suggest just use a good pair of tweezers to pull it off. Anyway, what should the power consumption in GPU-Z read after shorting the power limit resistors? Mine reads about 20% idle at 1500MHz in "3D always mode". Around 62% at load. Seems high to me. I've had problems before getting the solder to stick on the power limit resistors. They are slippery Just wondering if I need to resolder...
  16. I know it's just a test but this is not how I recall the discussion went. Shouldn't there be a bonus for the top scores in addition to the %-score? I think top 10 should get a bonus for placing in the top ten. With some kind of slope like there is today. Otherwise it will just turn into scatterbenching and there is not enough incitament to push for the really high scores. Or push just ahead of one of your competitors... Ranking is still very important. Particularly in competitions. What other sport is based on how much you are beaten by the winner? It's all about position.
  17. Wow! Amazing CPU you found there! Congratz!
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