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Posts posted by Rauf

  1. Tried my card on LN2 last weekend at the MLG bench meet. Used Unigine Heaven Xtreme as I was benching for the Pro OC cup. Had a lot of trouble, card wouldn't do any more than 1850 core. No matter volts or temps.


    Tried it again yesterday, this time testing possible clocks with Fire strike GT1. Did 2100 core pretty easily. Then back to Heaven again and...max 1850! Any ideas what's causing this? Or just unlucky and that's the way this card behaves in Heaven? From the top scores it seems Heaven and Fire Strike should be able to do about the same clocks.

  2. Newest bios work for both XP32 and -64 on Impact and Extreme. Just make sure you follow the instructions in the guide, many isos you can find won't work without modifications.


    As for Win 7 I would say your iso is not properly configured. I sometimes loose USB-functionality on the top USB-ports on the Extreme when OC'ing on LN2, but that is not likely to happen at air cooling.

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