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Everything posted by t0mz0r

  1. I'll be there too, just dropping by for a couple days.
  2. So now you blocked an entry even tho you actually corrected it about a year ago? Well done. Not selective at all. No biggie as no points are involved but hey. Still.
  3. Rip
  4. Ticket closed, thanks mods
  5. like i said already, epic =) nice video too
  6. So if I wasnt fucked in terms of motherboard, I'd know what to do now.. n1
  7. damn you for having more ln2 handy than me! Nice score
  8. That shot with Lapin Kulta says it all Nice labs, great score! <3
  9. This whole backup game makes ya wonder when the sub 6-valid is due..
  10. Neat result there - nice to meet you, Nos and Riska btw - Tom
  11. Jeebus. Hope I dont get a similar issue.. :battle:
  12. In my case it worked out with replaced parts - turned out to be that old issue with the first batches of Elpida Hyper chips
  13. Morning guys, Just wondering what could be wrong here - I cannot see PCMark Vantage scores on my profile (via /community/user/xxxx), and a search gives no results either. That said, I can find both submission link and find other entries from my country, but not any of mine. Any ideas
  14. t0mz0r


    And now its off again.. Database issues.. omfgwtf?!
  15. http://downloads.guru3d.com/download.php?det=673 http://www.techpowerup.com/downloads/124/Aquamark_3.html http://www.gamershell.com/download_3397.shtml http://majorgeeks.com/download.php?det=2105
  16. Ticket ID: 435 Priority: High Hiya Could you please add the following CPU to the database, thanks http://valid.canardpc.com/show_oc.php?id=609545 (Note that CPU normally runs 10.5 x 200 = 2.1 GHz)
  17. Seems to have been fixed
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