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Everything posted by Thor941

  1. too many achievements kill the achievements IMO
  2. cause it has not been reported yet
  3. will we have the best achievement in the sign?
  4. yes, last year I have benched during my 3 weeks summer holiday to have the award, and 1 or 2 months after, everything had changed f**k
  5. Yeah I mean having the HW junky status for 50 cups and medal then you can put it on your sign, I don't remember the other ones, Extreme HW Junky for 50 golden cups I guess, OC Guru, OC Legend etc etc Well it could be cool to have the most important status in the sign, as before, cause ATM if you don't go on the user profile, you can't see anything
  6. HW Junkie for 50 cups, etc etc ... most of the new achievements are non-sense to me - I don't care if I have benched 50 Atis or 50 Nvidias
  7. The previous version was better to me
  8. I am just taking it case by case bro What about now?
  9. not France for sure rofl I think that Spain will be close to the title
  10. Got a PM from one of the guys, problem "solved"
  11. ok so it is not taken from Tintin event I block the scores till I have more informations
  12. I think it is taken from that event : http://www.xtremesystems.org/forums/showthread.php?t=249915
  13. Well to me, the "spirit" is that they all should be removed for the only reason that they don't belong to the clocker(s), but of course it would be totally stupid But we'll have to start disallowing them one day ...
  14. OK but when the guy access to the Pro league, will he remains there forever? On what basis will he be "relegate" to the Amateur league?
  15. voted for the split, but hard to say who will go in the Pro league - I mean you can get sometimes from a manufacturer a free MB to test it, is it making you Pro ... !?
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