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Lucky_n00b last won the day on February 26

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    2D Benchmark, Drums, Anime


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    Tech Enthusiast


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    Alva Jonathan

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  1. (7 days later, mem WR broken, Allen be like : "Still Testing") Hahahahha J/k massive score sir 😁
  2. Thanks hahahah :p I'm still trying to check my score efficiency on ambient, not sure how I lost efficiency when going cold, seems everything memory-related become weird under -90C (also for some reason can't get it to run 1:2 mode with high freq mem under ln2)
  3. Much thanks! Yeah I've got lots of cold issues on my first LN2 session as well :/
  4. Hi Seby, is it accurate if I assume these Zen 5 was less performant per clock on GPUPI compared to Zen 4? I was getting really bad efficiency and thinking that I might've done something wrong on my setup :/ Thanks ;)
  5. Very interesting CPU! So this is the new fastest 4-core, yes?
  6. Hi Guys, I just got sent some new MSI hardware (the new refresh cpu & boards to be exact), Will share some of the Beta BIOS/Tools here just in case anyone wanted to also use them. Beta BIOS - MEG Z790 GODLIKE MAX MSI Z790 GODLIKE MAX Beta A09U1 Beta BIOS - MSI Z690 UNIFY-X ~no update yet, will update when I got one Beta BIOS - Other Z790 Refresh Beta Tools Dragon Power (a.k.a 'Command Center Lite') for Win11 Command Center Lite for WinXP, Win7, Win10 ~thread will be updated when i got new bios/files, can't share result since Embargo/NDA not lifted yet. //Usual Disclaimer : Use these Beta BIOS/Tools AT YOUR OWN RISK
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