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Posts posted by websmile

  1. General rules:


    1. Start a topic in the corresponding section and select a proper thread title. Title must include a location tag like (UK/US/AU/CA/EU). E.g.: [sale] i7-3770K (UK)


    2. Pictures of the Items are required to start a topic. In addition you have to handwrite your HWBot-username and date on a piece of paper and place it next to the items. The date on the picture has to be the same as the date of your topic. Resize your pictures, max limit is 8MB per thread.


    3. Sealed or closed boxes are not allowed. You have to show the item itself on the picture.


    4. You must set a selling price for your items unless you want to trade only.


    5a. On request of the buyer the seller has to show basic functionality of the goods of interest (added 16/08/2023)


    5b. Make it clear if you are selling any damaged or broken items.


    6. Do not push your thread more than once within 24 hours. For Changes please use the edit function.


    7. Pre-sales are not allowed.


    8. Fixed price only. No price upping or bidding like on ebay.


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    13. Use the report button if there are any postings which violate these rules or if a posting is suspicious in any kind of way.


    14. No price bashing.


    15. To keep marketplace clean, keep it to one thread at a time, max two, so people can see what you offer and also mods have an overview


    Forbidden items for trading:

    - Software/games which require an active account.

    - Software without key which is required to install it.

    - Any kind of accounts or licenses which are related to plattforms like EA Origin, Blizzard Battle.net, Valve Steam, Ubisoft Uplay or any other similar plattforms.

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    - Any other illegal items which are contrary to the law




    Be aware that we will delete any postings which do not comply to the rules written above or which are suspicious in any other way!


    Always remember:

    If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.





    Some tips: 





    By posting in the forum, you agree that you have read and understand the rules as set forth above. Violations will not be tolerated! These rules are subject to change without notice, so please make sure to visit this post frequently to stay up to date.

    For any problems feel free to contact the moderators.




    • Like 3
    • Thanks 3
  2. Hi,

    up for sale are a few excessive DDR4 kits, all work fine



    1. 2x8GB G.Skill Ripjaw V DDR4-3600C16-16-16-36 (B-die)

    Kit works and is technically in top condition, I bought it from a gamer/modder who obviously managed to clean the mems with something that killed the letters on the labels :D. Apart from this, the kit is tested for 4250+ Cas 12-11-11-28 tight geekbench 3 and XTU and 4133 12-12-12-28 tight SuperPi 32m with waza (my platform is not reliable at 12-11 waza, so with a better imc 12-11 might work for you). The kit comes with the original Blister packaging, I am not sure I will be able to help on rma if buyer kills the kit (label-issue) but take this in on the price.



    2. 2x8GB G.Skill SniperX DDR4-3600 C19-20-20-40 (Hynix CFR)

    Brand new, I only checked ICs, tested specs and made a five minute oc test because I have so much more to test that I enjoy, I really prefer Samsung for sure over Hynix so these can go. In blister, full warranty



    Prices (shipping comes on top)

    1. 280  Euros sold

    2. 125 Euros


    Payment with paypal (buyer covers fees or gift) or bank trnasfer. Shipping will be between 7-15 Euros with deutsche Post, I will not use dhl bc the experts once again managed to cause big trouble on my latest shipping.

    • Like 1
  3. Only duals, triple were 2000c6 highest iirc and some 2200c7 came as quad kit originally meant for 1156 - thanks in advance :). On AMD, you are right, good psc can fly there as well and trcd limit often is a lot higher


    P.S. Forgot the 2400c8 RipjawZ, these were highest quad kit bin, meant for Sandy bridge E

    • Like 2
  4. Scraping eoc sports ranking is ok, if you want to simplify points distribution go to a system that mixes rev3 and later - up to 20 subs maybe 2, 50 then 10, 100 25 points etc up to 50 points for top spot and award less up to 50% of subs, lower 50% get zero (just an example). You ave all hwresults in the database anyway, why do you want to scrape masterleague? Won´t say more at the moment, Albrecht and Daniel made some points already so maybe you can get to them first so we have a base for discussion without me adding to chaos, Frederic

  5. I would be very cautious with timings like cas5/Cas4 etc on certain platforms, on sandy bridge for example I tested this long years ago only to find that this was not real.. and it was confirmed several times by others as well - also wcl settings for example on different platforms can influence if timings are real or not, not all BIOS shows and you see at cpuz is real

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