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Everything posted by ME4ME

  1. well, at least you got some time with the new bios-layout, right stuff like settings will pretty much depand on CPU and memory anyway
  2. ah, so you finnaly recieved motherboard and VGA? great news If LED is blinking, then something's wrong with the primary bios. It needs to reflash itself from the secondary bios, but im not sure how that's triggered. Try power down, clear cmos and power up again, and do nothing. Hopefully the flashing progress starts automatically With P67 Marshall both bios rom's got screwed up for me... contacted MSI about it, but in the end there was no solution and i got to trow away the board
  3. about the same here, on air the card is the worst lightning so far
  4. too bad man ... any change of getting it for pre-testing, or no change? btw im staying at the Vendome hotel from 09 to 11 october.
  5. no problems here, both the contest bios and "B-clock-ability" are fine.
  6. the only rig he will be playing with is his laptop
  7. just booked my flight. Arrival Taipei Oct 6 06:25, departure oct 11 at 23:15 SuicidePhoenix, whats your flight nr? maybe we're on the same flight .. mine is CI62 China Airlines
  8. Hey guys just wondering, for those of you who already got their flights booked; when will you arrive the 6th? And if staying longer, at what hotel will you be? Just out of curiosity
  9. Back on topic, just tested the Z68A-GD80 with the new MOA bios and i really must say MSI nailed it. At MOA it probably won't work as smooth cause of the memory used, but with my Gskill Ripjaws it really works flawless .. just enter the value in bios, and the board will do exactly like it's supposted to. Plus a bit higher bclock than on M4E (105 vs 107 on GD80). Now just hoping the stories about the board killing CPUs is not true. Would be a shame.
  10. president? ...more like a dictator
  11. What would be the cheapest: 1 extra card for each team, or invite Massman
  12. Steleras, i don't agree with that. If MSI didn't send out the hardware before the contest, some people may get a sample of their own and test anyway, while others may not. Either that being for financial reasons, or the hardware just not available in some countries. Sending it out means equal changes for everyone to pretest the components. Also, lets take thermalpaste for exemple. If you'd get the hardware the day before the contest, and then you find out your thermalpaste doesn't do it's job, you're skrewed. Simply no time to get better stuff. With hardware at home, you can test and prepare in a decent way. I like the way it's currently done.
  13. Hardware arrived yesterday, now need to find time to actually test it *nothing heard about flights though...
  14. Last year (januari) at Taipei 101 definitely worth going up there, for those who haven't already been.
  15. wanted to stay some days more, but can't. anyway, @Pastelidis as an oc'er i haven't heard anything of MSI either. Just need to be patient, i guess.
  16. Since you're speculating anyway.. I think it won't. 1450 3dmark11 with a bad card, or 1550 with a good card; the difference should't be too much in terms of power usage. On both cards you'd need atleast 1.55v, so the only difference is in GPU clocks. Since the good card probably has a high quality / better GPU, it's likely the power usage should be roughly the same at maxed out clocks. But again, all speculation until someone (Tin? ) checks it out for real. So I think the PSU is no problem... More worried about again having to bench crap memory at MOA.
  17. PSU is no problem. It handles 1450+ fine. For those who didn't notice last time, me and elmor used 4xmolex-to-8pin converter to "unlock" full power.
  18. Z68A-GD80 and Lightning XE from what ive heard. PSU will probably be Thermaltake, and memory from Kingston (not sure)
  19. 3dmark01 ... oh no, PJ was that your idea? It really makes no sense. Performance will be crap cause of Win7 and MSI EFI-Bios, and mostly it will be very much like a CPU benchmark. Oh well... only 3d11 will be fun then (32M not so much, cause of the traditional low-quality memorie used at MOA). Personally, i'd rather run 3d03+3d11+32M ... or even Vantage
  20. haha, even the Russians themselves don't like Aeroflot, what a joke
  21. Congrats Perica! You deserved this one. Massive afford all month long. See you in Taiwan! but indeed ... HWbot should have used the MSI point system!
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