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Everything posted by ME4ME

  1. Very impressive. That Lightning is insane. Great work!
  2. Massman... hwbot timings is 10 minutes off *now its 23:59
  3. yea... deja-vu haha anyway, good to see that a decision is made.
  4. just saw this score: http://hwbot.org/submission/2199839 not saying he's a cheater .. but it's suspicious to say the least. 51x or even 52x?
  5. Pieter, please update openings post, will ya
  6. just tested with stock 480 Lightning and E8400. Win 7 x64. 275.33 drivers. Samsung 22" 1650x1050 native, 60Hz centered: 33.xx FPS stretched: 35.xx FPS
  7. Amazing! now show us that 1630 3dmark11 score would be totally nuts!
  8. nice they delivered a fix. But for the people who actually run default settings and are effected by this shortcomming, it's useless. It only helps for them when the board is shipped with a bios that's correct right from the beginning. People who run auto settings don't upgrades bios'es. btw nice spotted Albrecht
  9. Haven't really been following the progress, but when is REV4 due to be launched?
  10. Awesome Aftermovie! Like it alot. Great job guys!
  11. Multiple VGA's/CPUs or not, it does look like the benchmarks come from the same system, with the same hardware used. Take those '01 screenies .. only windows theme is different.. GPU clocks, CPU clocks, even GPU-Z version is exactly the same. Not sure how much of a crime it is. And for sure those scores are still very nice. But it really seems like a bit too much of a "team effort" to me
  12. Asus going strong has probably nothing to do with Shamino joining them. I think it's much due to the Rampage 3 that thinks are going their way.
  13. Home and rested after this great weekend. Had to spend some time without computers/hardware the last two days hehe.. Just want to say Thanks to MSI for another great event. Great to be able to meet everyone again, and looking forward to the world finals Congrats to the winners Montru and Matose, those who qualified and Jonas & Ann-sofie for the great effort despite crappy cpu.
  14. what about a simple HD Cam and laptop .. just lay it somewhere (or from the roof) to get a overview of the event, and stream it. Together with the online scoreboard, people at home will at least get an impression about whats going on. Just keep it simple
  15. Don't make it too complicated guys .. it much be actually doable Especially if MSI hasn't confirmed anything themselves.. And one personal request is to not disterb too much when everything is going on. Between rounds is fine, but when bussy i rather not have people with cameras in front of us asking for interviews
  16. I read it like it's not confirmed, thats pretty much the only thing known. There may be plenty on bandwidth .. someone should again ask MSI, and make some clear statements. No bandwith = no livestream. For my personal opinion i don't see why there should be a Nordic only stream, especially not before an allround stream is up and running..
  17. Anyone who heard anything about OCTV? .. will there be live-coverage?
  18. @Massman: ... getting a bit pissed of all your comments: "if elmor wins blablabla" its a team effort, you know!
  19. Come on guys, lets keep it nice and friendly. It's not the right place for discussion. Take Jonas for example.. He's clearly allergic to Danish people.. but still, he behave's him selve
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