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Everything posted by MaddMutt

  1. Same story.. minimize CInebench and place cpu-z tabs around outside of cinebench/picture.. or look at how others are done...
  2. Great work :-) I have to report this submission as FAILed because you are not allowed to cover the benching picture of CB-11.5. Sorry
  3. You need to work on that memory speed. Not sure what they are rated for? But good 3200 should do 3000 @ 12-12-12-28 or better.
  4. I'm bringing this POST up to date :-) I have used the guide in OCing the memory on my R5E BIOS 4101. This guide works on i7-5820k/5930k/5960x cpu's. Remember - If you use this guide - leave a thank you in your submissions.
  5. I’m sorry if this seems old BUT could you include a better picture of your setup? I want to bench at your place :-)
  6. This is with the Gimped chip.. This is a totally golden chip :-) You going to pass this down the ladder when you retire?
  7. Test on getting a nvidia card to run at less than x8 speed? Driver/bios hack?
  8. I didn’t want nag on your run.. IIRC the basic 290x’s top out at 1225 on water so that 290x is almost dead. The good news is it should still bring $200 on e-bay:-) The 300mv + option is only if you can keep it cool (your SS ) enough. Look forward to your next run.
  9. Did you use the MSI AB power tweak - MSI Afterburner\MSIAfterburner.exe" /wi6,30,8d,20 ?? The 20 = 200mv or change to 30 = 300mv :-)
  10. Nice work on that 5870 :-) did you need to do a V-mod for more than 1.3v?
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