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Everything posted by MaddMutt

  1. I sent a e-mail to Ney with the problem. I still have over 12 hours left and it's 11:00 PM at his location. I should have a reply and clarification on this..... One of my questions to him was: We are 1 point apart, is this not what a Competition is about, a nail bitter to the last sec. I know how you feel raven. It has taken me 2 yrs to put all the right pieces together. I pickup a piece that's needed off ebay when I have the $$$.
  2. I have tried to submit the score, while in the AMD Rookie Rumble Competition page. It states that it is invalid because I'm now a Novice. Rules for Rookie League : Our youngest crowd who signed up less than three months to date; hopefully we will see them at the top some day. I joined 30 Jan 2015
  3. I had an idea to edit one of my GPUPI CPU submissions and put the new run in it's place. I would have to cut out today's date to try and make it work.... Then I realized that this would be no better than what other more experienced cheaters have done. If you have to cheat to WIN, then you are not having fun and enjoying being part of a larger community. We are suppose to be here because we love trying to tweak and claw to get that last drop out of our computers. It doesn't matter if you have the newest stuff but how much you can get from what you have. That is where the fun and pride for what you have done comes in. Whether it is 1st place or last place, YOU sweated over building and tweaking each part in YOUR computer, you have learned the special tweaks/settings that work on YOUR computer. Thank You For Your Time In Reading My Post Phillip M Cummins SSGT USMC Medically Retired Diagnosed with Leukemia - Aug 2012
  4. This is NOT in place.... as I'm tring to plead my case in the AMD Rookie Rumble post. The quick info ( I'm placed 1st and Roony is 2nd with (1) ONE POINT between us. I beat one of his run's this morning BUT now I'm a Novice so my run does not count in the Competition:(
  5. A new rule to be put in effect. YOU can not be bumped up in position (Rookie to Novice to Enthusiast to Ect..Ect) as long as you are following the rules of your current position, while currently competing in a Competition. Thank You For Your Time In Reading My Post
  6. Dear Staff, Me and Roony are neck and neck in the AMD Rookie Rumble with ONLY 1 POINT separating us. I Just beat his GPUPI CPU 100M submission AND NOW I FIND OUT I'm in the NOVICE LEAGUE WITH LESS THAN 20 HOURS LEFT!!!!!!! Thank You For Your Patience..... I had a run @ 26.856 to take the lead, Roony shot back with a run @ 26.426, which put us @ a 1 point difference in score. I just completed a run @ 26.390 to put some separation between us, just incase he takes the OC Freq. I submitted my score and was informed that I was now in the Novice League. The system will not let me submit my run as a Rookie because I have increased in position I do not mind the bump up .....BUT with only 20 hours left to possible/actually win a Competition?????? How do you get on your knee's to Beg..Grovel (To humble oneself) and plead your case Thank You For Your Time In Reading And Replying
  7. Raven... Not sure how you take someone giving advice (Your comment about how others feel about you being a women)????? I looked at your GPUPI run and have a few pointer's: 1) Your NB is at 2000, if you can bump it up some, it will help in your score. It should be atleast 2400. Find a 80mm fan to blow air over the NB to help cool it when you increase the speed. 2) Your Mem is running at 800 (DDR3 1600) but your XMP say's that it can do 933 (DDR3 1866) 3) You should be able to manual set your memory to run @ 9-10-9-27 (Trc) <37 with 1.575v - 1.6v. That should cut another 7 - 9 sec off your run. PS. WE are all here to compete BUT also to have fun and help others when needed That is why we are called Rookies Thank You For Your Time In Reading My Post
  8. Hey Raven... You need to go back to GPUPI web page and get the 2.1 edition. If you are running Windows x64 edition, it has a x64 bit version that will cut your score in half. I was thinking Roony was using a bugged version because at the top it has RTC 1ms. I looked at yours and my runs and they did not have that listed as part of the program. I asked and was informed that is because we had ran ours in 32bit mode. Nice run on GPUPI Roony I looked at what OC Freq I need to get 2nd place. I have one of the first 8320's and it needs 1.7 on a Gigabyte UD5 just to get to 5GHz:( I had a newer one that I pickup a few months back. As you can see from my screen shot, I keep crashing at anything over 5400. I asked my self if I wanted to push it (had already killed one R2.0 and a 8350) and I did. The screen shot was taken @ 41c (by coretemp) and when I hit submit, the computer locked up. I got very lucky that it had been received. Thank You For Your Time In Reading My Post
  9. How about someone just dropping in on the Rookie League with Opteron's or Xeon's and walks away with all (3) THREE stages. How is my 4 core/8 thread 2600, 3770, 4790, ECt, ECt, going to compete against a 10 core /20 thread Xeon whether it be retail or es. The real bad news would start when you found out that he/she was using 2 or 4 Opteron's or Xeon's. Would you not say that the Rookie Competition was already won by the Person with the Server Motherboard????????? Thank You For Your Time
  10. I tried to remove the score as I was unable to reproduce another. I was being redirected to the error page because I had submitted it during a Competition. I kept getting "You need a screen shot, You must enter a score, The timeline for submitting scores ended on 04-04-2015, Ect, Ect, I had to get my team captain's help in removing this BUGGED score. I apologize for any and all possible psychological pain that this might have caused other members. Thank You For Your Time In Reading This Post
  11. I'm working on trying to reproduce the score. It's 0535 East Coast and I'll have to reprep my memory and CPU as I did before. From testing so far, the score looks like a one off. I don't know if I get to keep it, but some where - some how it looks like I caused a bug. This is also my gaming/every day computer, so when I run benches, I have to go and shut down a lot of stuff that is not needed. "QUOTE" websmile says: 43 minutes ago – You load result like this which is twice as high than people with higher speeds on all fields and do not consider it to be bugged? Very ambitious^^ "QUOTE" I had just added Fujipoly/ModRight Thermal Pad 150 x 100 x 0.5 - Thermal Conductivity 11.0 W/mK to my water cooled memory and had reseated the cpu cooler with new AS5. This was my first program benched and it looked like I had found the sweet spot on my memory. Thank You For Your Time
  12. I received 0 points for my memory clock. I took my basic DDR3 1600 ( 800 x 2 ) and OC it to 1099.x, that is almost 300MHz over it's rated speed. When you can take your DDR3 2400 ( 1200 x 2 ) to 1500, .......................... Thank You For Your Time
  13. This Score was also achieved using DDR3-1600 memory
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