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Everything posted by MaddMutt

  1. Nice Picture of Elmor's EVC2 :-) What coolant used for -40 without freezing?
  2. Just a reminder.. Any OS above Win 7, you should run Benchmate for verification of score.
  3. That’s some slow ass memory timings you are running.. That mb should be able to hit 12-12-28 @3800/4000..You still have it @2133 :-( Super score for default mem settings..
  4. I love that SINGLE STAGE!!! I'm hoping to get a new one before x-mas :-)
  5. You have again submitted the wrong version :-( Run the Bench WITH Benchmate 10.5 and have Benchmate submit the score for you. Please KEEP Benching. If you have questions ask.
  6. Please try again. You used the wrong Version. This is for GPUPI Version 2.3 not GPUPI VER 3.3. I'm sorry I have to flag this submission. Please keep trying :-)
  7. If you wish to continue benching this setup, you need to download benchmate. https://benchmate.org/ Windows 10 requires benchmate as a verification of your score. I'm sorry that I have to report this score as unverified, please try again :-) Or you can rerun these benches with windows 7 that does not require benchmate for verification :-)
  8. You have EVGA that is pimping a Dark MB as the best, now ASUS has one too?
  9. Any Pics of the card or is it just a reference/generic HD-7970 (8pin+6pin)??
  10. Nice work on that Classified :-) Are you going to submit any 3D benches??
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