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Everything posted by MaddMutt

  1. Nice :-) Post pictures of the system with LN2 pots. Which MSI card are you using? Any V or M Mods done? Thanks
  2. If TEMP's are not a problem.. Setting priority to real time will give an additional + 3-6 point's in CB-11.5
  3. Use ASUS SW Memtweakit to tighten the timings on that dark mb :-) Great Work on that score.
  4. DUDE.. I hate to bust your bubble BUT you also need to have CPU-Z with 3 tabs open during the screen shot. The 3 tabs are CPU, MB, and MEM. I also include a 4 tab - SPD as an added bonus.
  5. WOW. Beautiful work on that gpu mod :-) What size screws used for connecting the SS to the gpu/card? E-Power = gtx-480 power section?
  6. Custom BIOS on card? Any pictures of the setup? Great Work :-)
  7. Truely Rare :-) BIOS Mod? Why use old driver, version 11.5 and not last WHQL Driver 15.7 ?
  8. Anything special done to the GPU? Beautiful :-)
  9. Nice :-) Sorry I have to flag this - https://hwbot.org/rules?referenceId=5196. This clearly states what is required for this submission.
  10. I would re-score this again as you received less points for 2nd place than Shar00750 did for 3rd place. Any pictures of your setup?
  11. Nice work :-) for more speed, drop the core count to 2.
  12. Running XP WOW! Any special setup that was required to get xp to work on z690 mb.
  13. SuperPi 1M next? Did you have any problems with the mb?
  14. No Pictures of the Water Cooled GTX-580 Lightning? It's a rare card for some :-) Any Hard or Soft Mods done?
  15. Was the GPU outside? Crazy speed for Air cooling :-)
  16. Super :-) It's best to have 4 GPU-Z tabs for verification. CPU, Motherboard, Memory,
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