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Everything posted by Gamer

  1. Seems like he has a good wife For you Hondacity, I'll include the invoice in my screenshots
  2. So if I get up monday on 4am and buy a 7970 I can not submit scores? WTF. Bad idea. Phew, I can stay in bed till 10pm then
  3. Chiller in the Pro league ? WTF! Can I report his score now?
  4. We know who it is, not you Hondacity.
  5. Someone is reporting some of our scores from 2-3 years ago. I wonder who it is?
  6. Guess I'm gonna order 2 of these... If the price is right
  7. Poland : 38.187.488 Greece : 11.319.048 Indonesië : 239.870.940 Belgium : 10.879.159 Belgium : We win.... Hughs and kisses to Poland !!!! We will be back !
  8. Kinda sucks when you want to upload a score when the system is powered down. Then you notice you have upload a file. Has taken me a while to figure it out
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