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Everything posted by Perica_barii

  1. Very good score congrats...Can you tell what temp and how much voltage for that memory run?
  2. Masters of 3dmark11 game are back in business...Great score and WR congrats....
  3. Try that a little better and go for WR, this is great score also but push a little more....
  4. Very good score, hope that you will freeze memory and get it a little better...Congrats...
  5. Thanks guys, like to congrats also to all competitors and also winners for great performance, want to thank guys who helped us benching today by lending us some of their gear ( luggage lost in flight so half equipment was missing ),we didn't have good gpu to stand for 3d test but we did our best...I was very said that Greek was missing, they should also be in fight for top rankings... MSI did a great job as always, so wish them to keep up with it in years to come.... p.s. How the hell Splave finish in front of me...That will be great mystery.... :P
  6. I did not clock or touch memory, not even gpu...As I said both mods worked fine on my own card, on competition card not a single one ...
  7. Here we go.... I first tested MSI mods that msi provided on my own card, with BIOSes that will be on competition, card needed little cold to boot, 1.4v was reading on gpu and in win I needed to start gpuz render test immediately not to get red screen, before starting NVPMM and get in state PO, after that everything works normal, and I can go with voltage over 1.61v ( tested 1,72v just reading ), we did quick run at 1830/1770 on 1.61v and everything went well. Now I switch to competition card and do the same mods, I get 1.4v on reading GPU voltage and card would not boot, tested on air, then on ln2. We started from -10 to -90 and moving to colder temps we get further with booting, at -80 we get win loading but snapped immediately after it, at -90 also, red screen and voltage went to 0. We decided to check 100 ohm mod, first we prepared my own card to pretest it ( removed vgpu mods, and get it in previous state before modding on pin4 with resistor), first reading was at 1.09v at -10 and it was low so we moved to 1.25 and booted normally in win, we tested changing voltage and everything works fine. After that testing we also get competition card in previous state ( remove gpu mods ) and moded on pin4 ( we solder to the capacitor following the line, not on pin. Same like we did on mine card ). First start reading was like with mine 1.09v and at -10C, voltage was to low so we switch to 1.25v cards started to boot and restart, after that gpu was dead. Mod was working cause we can change voltage and get reading like with my own card, tried to get it back with normal bios after that but no go.... Competition card was tested on air and it works normal before all this. Not sure what to think now....
  8. My own card can boot with msi mods normal at -20, but competition card cannot ( tried higher, lower temp no way..). So I will join Aristidis and Matose too. Tried pin4 100ohm on my cards and it works great, will switch to competition card and test it there....
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