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Everything posted by scannick

  1. Just one quick run while I was trying voltages for CB,CBB and crack issue. Was at 1.820 v and -135 °C, a lot to learn yet, next time I hope hope go up with frequency and go down with temperature
  2. CPU-Z 1.74 bug, maybe is time do download 1.75 ver vcore was 1.600 v Thermal paste was cracked and with more than 1.650 v core #1 went in positive temperature
  3. I'd take it, I just have to ask permission from my captain @Andreat85
  4. Great work, congrats ! Keep push this CPU, can break other WR
  5. 540 on Air and VID 1.225, is difficult to find a good e6600
  6. Find the right chip isn't so easy, sometime you don't know to have it already, I marked this E8500 as "to sell" about four weeks ago Today just set few bios parameters differents as my standard set ad this is the result
  7. "someone" suggested to me the right working method, and... maybe e I have a bit of luck
  8. I got a score under 12 sec, but not enought for the 1st position
  9. I'm looking for a good 6700k on ln2, consider me in queue, waiting more informations about frequency, CB, CBB Thanks
  10. Buono Davide, postalo nello SKYLAKE 5G TWEAKER'S CHALLENGE
  11. ho un po paura di cosa farai quando arriverà ln2
  12. I have about ten scores under previous 1st place, as you can see, no bugs just a lot of tweaking work, I can do it again and maybe better
  13. Insieme al risultato di @alexmx unico score nei top20 con con gpu sopra zero peccato che poi ho esagerato con i volt... grazie cmq a @OnisA per le vmod, se ne trovo un'altra starò più attento alle temperature
  14. Thankyou Batch is Q649A115, Max FSB on Air 455 on air
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