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Everything posted by scannick

  1. Cosa fai adesso, ringrazi in aticipo nel commento al sub così non perdi tempo dopo e torni subito a fare altri WR ?
  2. I think have 4.5 Ghz in XTU is enough, there isn't a maximus frequency specified in the Stage Limits as in other previous competitions
  3. No no sono ancora scarso nei 3D, poi con Barbone in Team è impossibile non migliorare...
  4. unbelievable... please leave something to us too
  5. Great time ! No backup for me I hope do better with next dewar
  6. I think first in Italy And your ex 6700K can work on it
  7. You were right, not bad this little OCF, more than 160 global in 24 h
  8. Why not 810 ? Nice motherboard too
  9. efficiency problem solved, now waiting for LN2 As often happens @barbonenet had the idea to fix it
  10. No crack ? ... Let's party Great job, contrats !!!
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