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Eeky NoX

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Everything posted by Eeky NoX

  1. Hehe you should answer: "just sandbagging dude!!"
  2. Ouch! I do 155... we have no chance I guess
  3. Sure hope so mate ...Just to make the weight more equal, Allen will be there too, any problem?
  4. Look at Dino on that pic Alby... check now? lol time is rude with us @John Lam: don't worry, people always remember criminals
  5. Unstoppable Wizerty \o/ Keep pushing man!
  6. Even in 2007 there was tons of beer barrels @CeBit Maybe SoF confused the years... don't blame him, he isn't danish atleast!
  7. Nice behavior mate It was the best thing to do. No hate + no Epen = no trouble
  8. lol YOU are the bot database Karl
  9. Lol Do it and submit the next one
  10. I do believe in their honesty. But things must be clarified for sure. Super CN c'mon right now to save us from hwanarchy
  11. Oh! Yeah !! I was just wondering myself We have the same idole though
  12. Already done Marc
  13. Exactly what I would say Infra ...same here and I talk even for my teammates!
  14. I didn't cus of Dinos22 for sure. But he always inspires me in my way of trolling Edit: I started long time ago, mainly to get more fps in games... Years after years I lost the need to play games and became a modest extrem overclocker
  15. And than, is it really "their" CPU ? oO ...I don't get it for real -.-
  16. I think nothing is changing regarding of behaviors over the yrs! Only matter of EGO! PR MARKETING BS !!!!$##*#!!! I SAY ENOUGH!!!!
  17. And than? Nobody blames Hazzan for using the same setup under Lhe ? It appears that hw sharing rules aren't the same for the two oc leagues, that 's all folks
  18. Hehe! The master's touch dude! Glad tout see you enjoy the moment with Cookie. Did you use the secret hellokittie keyboard to reach that freq?
  19. Someone called me? ...damn you're waiting for it Vivi? Well I'm about to test the card next week, so need ABx asap! Calling my contact for that...
  20. Oohooh! Single stage? I didn't even imagine it on IB... for info: what vDimm on yur PSCs?
  21. Sin0822 posting on a useless tread not talking about a GBT mobo (j/k) IWH!!
  22. Great Vivi! Wait Christian Ney's return from vaccation to see the answer to your picture
  23. Lolilol!! Yeah! Maybe I need to move the States to test/taste I love me, myself and I !! Bless ya!
  24. Troll HOF? Recieved no ticket? oO ...nobody likes me I love those kinda threads \o/ @Alby: you seem to be too mature to understand I think
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