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Eeky NoX

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Everything posted by Eeky NoX

  1. Here Try control bits line too
  2. You need to activate the unknown settings in the upper menu and you'll find it
  3. C'mon! go on and let's see what happen Bunnyfication, bunnyficator, bunnyeater, bunnyman, bunnyclocking, bunnyfreezing, bunnybaner...
  4. Was it difficult to use LHe Nick? Btw congratz!! Now let's see what's next Edit: ... http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-GjYI7_S05z0/TtzqJgp8GdI/AAAAAAAABBk/fd4Sp0RmPag/s1600/fog-2-710161.jpg No problem Sam
  5. Gadam!! oO You're gonna kill it!! I find that mine is hot too and only need 1.68v to hold that freq under SS (Spi 1m/PiFast) 1.72v for the other benchmarks. But your voltage is totally sick...
  6. ...only 136mhz over is a pity
  7. Nope Kenny, I doubt Well, I can't bench since 2months... (summer break, all works in stand-by) This WE I won't even have no time to check my 680LT... need to pay incoms too ^^ Maybe in a couple of weeks, hope so Edit: you rock Genie
  8. My dyslexia disturbs me Do you really want?? It needs to be approved now, isn't it? We all know who deserves it but M.Beacon is better, maybe.
  9. Ask him http://hwbot.org/submission/2313159_kaidtor_cpu_frequency_core_i5_3570k_7017.65_mhz Joking of course Well I don't see how it would be possible...
  10. Exactly what I was tryin to explain to him Hey! Who cares? It's a game... yeah, yeah! manufacturers are involved but there's a gap between normal ocers and pros
  11. Karl is bunnyextractioning all over hwbot database
  12. GBT PRs more precisely!! Thank you Dino !!! Ya right PJ, what's that mess. Too much confusion if we all change our nicks... @Hicookie: we miss you
  13. Sure I'm about to purchase a second 7970 though. You gat all my interest
  14. Lol... did you follow the threads about sharing and rules? You're not the first to say you're looking after them ^^ But sharing is sharing: For 2D : RAM/MOBO/HDD etc...=> sharing allowed but no CPU! For 3D : all you want but no graphic card That's clear to me!
  15. Doh! R'ly??? I drop my flag here Kenny
  16. Nope mate. It's clearly what's forbiden and called sharing in the rules... sorry. But it's the the bottom line here
  17. You cain't ban your GOD mister Ney!! (...be carefull anonymous looks Ocaholic very close those days ) Well it's non sens to use same hw with 2 different user/cooling... our goal is to push the components, not making entries... But it was a good question imho
  18. Or both, but one earn no point and "does not participate" to the league...
  19. OP! We're talking about popcorn here mistress Beer! Salt Chris, thank you my dear Edit: great answer Roman, me like
  20. That's how we recognise real brothers! C'mon!! :celebration: @Marc: want some paper?
  21. Hey! Is there someone able to help me for another popcorn cargo shipping to Europe? ... Nobody's bored but me? -.-
  22. Always late bro One year ago: GTX580LT first SS attempt... fail! But the card had the shower
  23. Slippery slope Like it goes it will finish in a sauna or something like this before end of MOA ^^
  24. Shi(F)t I was there and didn't see what Roman and Genieben wrote ...CN the Inquisitor!! Pff!
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