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Everything posted by Vivi

  1. the rule doesn't effect benching though, its not like change in benchmark version and someone has to re-bench. its additional photo verification which is totally acceptable i think, get people to show serials that match to the spd in their screenshot. if you are 100% legit why would you have a problem with it, just take picture and go to vegas!
  2. why you give 1600c9 SPD no one will believe good clocking from that kit
  3. HYK0 samsung seems to be fine at -40, my HCH9 was fine at -5 lol. my HCK0 was happy at -10 only
  4. good job bro! i also find some 2666 samsung... worst haha
  5. T- 22 next one also love the color, its gonna raawkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
  6. in future we should make MEMS for xtu, because its clearly the only important piece of hardware here
  7. woooooooooow thats awesome i need to work really hard for that kind of maxmem hahaha. that 5ghz 1430 6-10-6 is looking mighty fast!!
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