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Everything posted by basco

  1. thanks turrican. no offence. so this would be tweaked ? http://hwbot.org/submission/2137300_dejo_pcmark_2005_xeon_x5667_(6_cores)_27517_marks
  2. thanks christian ney. one more: XP startup can not exceed 220MB/s--so if someone has 223 is ok? or is 220 absolut max? and does pcmark vantage really take 1+1/2 hour?or do i not need all suite to get score? thanksfor your help in advance
  3. do i get it right if someone has 8000 video encoding=cheat??
  4. in this thread i can feel the good old honest spirit of overclocking community.
  5. i think stage 2 should only be ddr2.
  6. is it ok to put 460gtx cs-bios from giby-soc on any other 460? thanks in advance for your help.
  7. thanks guys, the gpu core clock should be 1050mhz not 950-? thereĀ“s something in the bush. this run is no tweaks no nada nix null all norm. ok this is getting weird: is this possible that the driver resets during run without notice? no black or funny screen-looks all norm?
  8. ok title says all? please have a look.thanks
  9. maybe there is one for giby gtx 470 soc. many thanks in advance for your time. have a nice weekend
  10. thanks very very much for this thread !
  11. wilkommen im team und viel spass beim weiteren ocen.
  12. today i found nearly 7 entries in old gtx 260 192 posted scores with gtx260+(216).and 3 are already in checking.thats a lot of false entries in one category. i think not everybody is doing on purpose but if there is no screen with gpu-z open (only fm-link will not see it as old or new card),then we all cannot see if this is correct or not. so please be honest and always put in screens with all info. thanks for your attention.
  13. should be wrong resolution: http://www.hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=828254 thanks for your time and effort
  14. thanks for your quick answer. greets
  15. hi all! i searched forum but found no answer,in which category to move my results,when you got 98gtx and 98gtx+,or gtx260 and gtx260+(216). there are a lot of points to gain when put in the other category. i did put my vantageresult with one old bfg98gtx and one new 9800gtx+ in "gtx" section. better place would be in "+" section. thanks for your help in advance
  16. sorry for stealing points that dont belong to me! this should be an sli score! http://www.hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=641645 thank you mods for removing greets
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