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Everything posted by basco

  1. on one side i am happy for ya but on the other i am honestly very jealous. that says someone with hasfail at 5400 with ln2
  2. thanks for 480soc bios on 470soc. had massive coldslow with singlestage at -30° and never looked back. time to try again
  3. sorry to hijack but what ya think about unlock 290 in which category? there is already scores in there. http://hwbot.org/submission/2452417_beard_unigine_heaven___xtreme_preset_radeon_r9_290_3283.94_dx11_marks
  4. plz use required background pic for submissions to country cup
  5. thanks very much splave for level play field.
  6. oh sorry did not see that
  7. lol me again got a giga p35 ds4 rev 2.1 has one bent pin but works very good even benching.
  8. did 2x fresh install with 2.27.104 on win7 64+win xp32 and all ok i only have probs when previous version was installed. hope this helps
  9. basco

    eVc ordering

    plz 2x to europe
  10. on win7 i try to use old installers of benchmarks with max sysinfo 4.0 on win xp dont know
  11. v2.27=win7 64 no result window. v2.26=ok v2.25=ok thanks for your hard work+time
  12. should be in the qpi frequenzy menu. image of hardocp: http://www.hardocp.com/image.html?image=MTI1OTE0MjU3MXR5U3FYaXBhRzJfM18xX2wuZ2lm
  13. sorry to ask again but you wrote: but my usb stick was fat32 with the new bios from here at hwbot so the name of the bios was right when I downloaded it. so did you rename it to M6H.cap? hope you get it sorted. top help from mr.ney with bioschip
  14. 3670k 311b427 max on water 4,7x4 cores with 1,275 4,8 not stable needs 1,365 and shoots to 90°+ max imc around 1250mhz with psc on max hero bios 022 so stay away
  15. nachtfalke is right. gputool is best(easiest) for volterra based gpu´s http://www.techpowerup.com/downloads/1383/gputool-community-technology-preview-1/
  16. austrian band named "Lausch" if you like it and want more go to: http://www.lauschmusic.com/start
  17. thin lizzy johnny the fox ok doing something wrong
  18. ok just tested on ref gtx480amp with original bios no mods with abextreme 1.60 beta6 and 1,40 is ok. cant say if ocp ticks in but it works till 1,50v. if you want can send you my orig bios and ab?
  19. did not ship for ages - maybe around 15.-? 50.- euros for the mobo would be ok for you whithout ship? mobo is in mint condition
  20. damn, i forgot that my best cpu is only capable running around fsb595. you can look at my e-8500 + 8600 results. with all volts on lowest i can reach around 510 fsb with 5:8 divider pl-9. and max in screens: strap:333\pl-9\nb-1,45v\vtt-1,16v all other volts lowest http://img.techpowerup.org/130512/594x7-e8600-2x1gb-adata-gtr-5zu8-pl9-strap333-nb-1,45-vtt-1,16-fsbtest.png
  21. gimme few days and price is good.
  22. still need one k404? maybe i have p5e3 premium. just bought in a bundle-not tested yet.
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