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Everything posted by basco

  1. Vielen Dank! endlich mal wieder viele punkte mit einer bezahlbaren graka und nicht titan-V oder 3000.- euro cpu´s
  2. i would try a cheap 4890 or 4870 with which i got like 10 MHz more them my gtx 260 which was stuck at 109
  3. same problem on win 7 64hp where it used to work
  4. thx _mat_ for your work on your tool ! wenn du eine übersetzung brauchst sags bitte.
  5. sorry but am i too lazy to see a link to this comp? or is this same why i cant follow a result-link
  6. late but here you are: https://www.dropbox.com/s/d8zu66zdk6yw36t/gtx480.zip?dl=0 i think i have all the stuff from benchzone for gtx 480 but i have to look for it
  7. ok maybe i can do it for him if ya still want it?
  8. i dont know why you are not asking your landsleute? i offered you help from the beginning. and the university is not a shop.
  9. he is just busy with work. give him time i contact him.
  10. if ya have a computer shop with service nearby they will have a ton of these and it should be for free
  11. maybe this is something for ya: https://www.willhaben.at/iad/kaufen-und-verkaufen/d/komponentenbundle-fx-8150-7970-990fxa-noctua-185313781/
  12. this thread should be erased-deleted! i dont understand that hwbot is giving place for this behavior. next time i dont like something about splave or others i make a shame thread??? nothing against you splave exept of this thread. this is just a opinion of splave that he does not like the leaking but this a hardware forum not a i give my whatever i dont like opinion forum. am i really alone with my thinking? if yes i will leave hwbot and you dont have to put me on ignore list.
  13. this is like a nazi whistle blowing his neighbor and former friend for a meal voucher. and massman your last sentence is like the world is ticking so nothing new but only the small ones get judged.
  14. maybe try cas write latency(tcwl) at 7.
  15. only es chip i ever bought was a 980x and after 1 bench only 1 core is active.
  16. jesus i am 43 in a few days. years go by quickly.
  17. yes its silicone spray. use it since years on all hardware-mainboards+graphiccards
  18. best efficiency with pentium you rock gtx 460 ranks go for it
  19. for me easiest is this: https://www.conrad.de/de/crc-kontakt-chemie-73509-aa-isolier-72-silikonoelspray-200-ml-813648.html just spray and forget and to get rid of it: https://www.conrad.de/de/crc-kontakt-chemie-kontakt-wl-elektronikwaesche-71009-ah-200-ml-884065.html
  20. health to you + your family
  21. my kit is from 14th week 2015. maybe i try to rip off heatspreader
  22. i can only say that the explanation from mickulty is better then your cannot read the crystal clear rules. i had 2x290 from which 1x was unlocked-so for me the natural is going to 290x category. in all my years i had 1 result blocked and that was my fault. i know there is a lot of work behind hwbot and i would not want an extra category for unlocked 6950,but for me an unlocked 290 is a 290x. these are just different opinions but i would never call ya lazy. and fair for me is not benching a unlocked card in the normal category-its just my opinion-but i can take down my scores. have a nice weekend all
  23. i post scores in same fashion then superpatodonaldo. i even write that i unlocked my 290 to 290x and for sure i put it in 290x category. this is normal behavior for me. and mr.websmile you say its the old way and that worked for years. i think this category is best example thats not working here.
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