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Everything posted by basco

  1. thanks very much for your statement on ivy Sof. dont know if we should keep 37k at circa 6,0ghz 3d bench at -140° 1,80v with bclk=103,7x58,HT=on.
  2. ok this one i forgot-will try but my hopes are low and report. just wanted to know if its driver or me. just tested 301.32 beta and over 1000mhz it reverts back to P8 state.
  3. do i have to report the score or is everything done
  4. no tool can make the mhz over 1000mhz stick.
  5. i tested these new drivers with gtx 460,560++++ on win7 64,vista+xp and they have really good performance in benches. now the big but: i could not get over 1000mhz on neither of these cards. take care:gpu-z says yes but nvidia inspector shows no change above 1000mhz and the score proofs. maybe someone can confirm this. or me is fool. thanks in advance
  6. you submitted in wrong category? you have gtx 560ti 448
  7. please have a look at this score: http://hwbot.org/submission/2267242_nooster_3dmark11___performance_geforce_gtx_560_ti_7398_marks it is too good to be true. if it´s legit i am sorry.
  8. sorry team, tried to flash card with my msi bios but my own bios is from ati vendor. then took bios from tpu and same. only bios with vendor msi is xtreme bios from msi-afterburner posted on guru3d and with this one i get troubles. now my card won´t boot on both bioses. take my excuse,pushed till the last minute,gave my best.
  9. thanks very much for your effort splave. thats the spirit.
  10. maybe someone is so nice and shoots me a pm with msi ab-e. got only 17hours left. no sharing is obligatory-and warranty is my prob only. thanks in advance
  11. thanks.if they dont allow different vendor bios (which I would understand pr-wise) they should make ab extreme public.
  12. as my Team has a Msi 7970 but no afterburner extreme, we can't give more volt than 1,3. with asus bios We can give 1,4v. so is it allowed to use the asus bios on the Msi card and submit the score? thanks for clearing this.
  13. thanks for nice test. i miss ps2 connector on geneV too.
  14. same hw used? scores are best with lowest clocks on cpu+gpu from all results. or is z77 so much better then z68? if its legit i am sorry. http://hwbot.org/submission/2269460_vip5_3dmark11___performance_radeon_hd_7970_12767_marks http://hwbot.org/submission/2269469_acover_3dmark11___performance_radeon_hd_7970_13165_marks
  15. i dont get it is q6600-kentsfield allowed?
  16. thanks for your time+work on this nice review
  17. i never played pcmark05 but after i saw this thread i improved my score from lol 19000 to 31000. and i had lot of fun tweaking and there is a lotmore in the tank. we have enough benches were selecting cpu´s is most important(thanks intel).
  18. nice new team you got there matti.
  19. basco


    ok thanks for quick answer. was just wondering because go from 1800 to 900 points
  20. basco


    sorry for bothering, i changed team 5 days ago and before i got double amount of tpp. then i saw bug report from last update and there is this prob listed. recalculation did not leed to different result. maybe i dont get how there are calculated. thanks for your help in advance.
  21. hampti is on a rush to the top!
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