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  1. Ok, that's pretty darn awesome; thanks!
  2. Would it be possible to remove the hwbotrss feeds from the tapatalk "newest" search like it is removed from the new posts search in a browser?
  3. Sweet! It works fine here. Posting from tapatalk right now. Thanks!
  4. Somebody got themselves a black already.
  5. I seem to be getting horribly inaccurate voltage readings with the newest CPUz; just straight up crazy values. On an M6E + 4770K, 1.29V is read as 1.776V in CPUz. On an X79 Dark + 4960X, 1.41V is read as 1.016V. Both are measured with a multimeter. Obviously I'm used to small differences between software & DMM but this is way off. AI Suite III & ELEET, respectively, are reading what I would think software would read. So it seems to be platform-independent. Both are on Windows 7. Is anyone else seeing this?
  6. Well you did a stellar job. I can't imagine how long that would take me to put together.
  7. Ok, yea, that was awesome. Did you have multiple cameras or were you just really precise when switching positions? What equipment did you use?
  8. Yep! Newegg has the 4930K for $580 & 4960X for $1050. My 4960X ES (QF7Z) gets 4.6GHz stable at 1.4V loaded. I can't get it to boot or really even run benches at 4.8 GHz at up to 1.5V. I did manage a 5GHz validation once (for just long enough to hit F7 before it crashed). Anybody had better results than this on water? I feel like it's low, but maybe these just need extreme temperatures to do much of anything?
  9. FWIW, I've never had a vendor ask to read a review before it publishes. Some of them are very.....emphatic...about getting their message across to you before you write it, but they've never tried to see the review before it went live. We give them the right to correct any errors or respond to the review, but they have no control over its content. Additionally - and counterintuitively - both G.Skill and ADATA, to their credit, were very gracious in their receipt of less than stellar reviews of their flagship products. Hey, I said the same thing darnit! Ok, fine, I said it with a lot more words than you did. :nana:
  10. Nope, it didn't.....but it's really expensive! Doesn't that mean it's one-three-three-seven, or whatever you whipper snappers are calling good stuff these days?
  11. I'll sell you guys a kit that'll do 3200 / 13-15-15-36 for benching for only $1,499.99! Save $1,000.00! Today only!!
  12. I haven't been able to test these yet (board RMA), but I've got a kit that looks to be fun and should have much better performance per dollar.
  13. Rofl, I think that may fall under 'false advertising'. I don't even have a RAM pot to try and pretend I'm you.
  14. Does. Not. Compute. Text: Let's set aside the fact that the performance doesn't justify $1,000, let alone $2,000, but the reviewer is saying that the sticks, as tested, should cost half of what they are charging....and it still gets a 9.6 & Editor's Choice. Heh, I think it's safe to say nobody else is going to be sending me any single-sided MFR kits, so you won't see one of these at Overclockers. EDIT - Hahaha...from the comments it appears Newegg says you can save eight grand by buying from them! The jokes just keep rolling in this morning. The first (and only) Newegg review is priceless too. I'll post it here in case it gets deleted. Hahahahaha!
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