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Everything posted by Chiller

  1. i think it takes some times for ranking of scores for this cpu ? because it's new added in database? and thanks again
  2. also for motherboard possible ? for reference clock thanks Turrican
  3. please add this cpu to database : http://valid.canardpc.com/show_oc.php?id=1524975
  4. Did you see update pics from yesterday ? it's for my 24/7 rig lol, how do you like it ? modded level 10 for fitting the SR-2 in it lol. Stil some work on it, when it's finished , benching time is coming again lol
  5. where did you see it then ?
  6. i will let you know when it's time that i sell my X5550's. have fun with the small one
  7. maybe next year you can buy my cpu's when i upgrade with cpu to X5690's. they are X5550 retail and both with the same batch number on it.
  8. that effectiveness of superpi is very nice, 5ghz 7.5sec. Gives me chills when i think about the topmodel cpu of sandy bridge on lnĀ². hhhhmmmmm
  9. cheating needs to be punished, as clear as that. Cheating doesn't belong in this world. Unanomous or not, this is a very good idea, but also need there be very concreet proof of cheating. i think doesn't have to be unanomous, otherwise you get funny posters who cannot stand somebodsy's face and raport him in matter of speaking. that we also don't whant offcourse. But yes, this is good, cheating needs lifetime ban.
  10. vista 32b works best for me, some say XP works better
  11. dual cpu is dual cpu setup. is not cheating, you can also get a SR-2 setup. but i find it strange that he doesn't submit any other benchmarks with this dual cpu? Only Wprime32m
  12. this one is very nice, i would like this one, anyone alse ?
  13. ok thanks i meaned Merom yes oeps lol
  14. i SEE everybody is posting with Conroe-L cpu in Monroe category? Ok no prob then.
  15. Hereby i request adding new cpu to the list : Only a Celeron M 550 Monroe is in the list, but it's not the same one. Here are some scores with this Conroe-L cpu : http://hwbot.org/community/submission/1078062_nikola2704_wprime_32m_celeron_m_550_merom_1min_21sec_324ms http://hwbot.org/community/submission/1078063_nikola2704_pifast_celeron_m_550_merom_52.56_sec http://hwbot.org/community/submission/1078067_nikola2704_pifast_celeron_m_550_merom_52.46_sec http://hwbot.org/community/submission/1078072_nikola2704_superpi_celeron_m_550_merom_32sec_11ms
  16. Oorspronkelijk geplaatst door HWBot #gpu-z in screenshot, dropdown must be visible if you run in SLI so all videocards are identified. Vanop HF : Zo zijn de algemene regels, Chiller heeft me zelfs een keer aangeklaagd op HWBot omdat ik naast de toen (enkele) HD5850 nog een HD5450 draai voor de extra bureaubladen, wat dus duidelijk werd uit de dropdown. En hij vond dat als CFX ingevoerd moest worden Dat is voor mij dus ook de laatste keer geweest dat ik de dropdown laat zien. zo zijn de regels op hwbot, get used to it !!!
  17. hell ya, just do it. Just more proof of the setup, but that old scores still are good before the date this will be official.
  18. mooie punten en medailles die je binnen haalt.
  19. score is niet volgens regels, k kreeg net melding dat deze niet goed is, en idd je screenshot staat niet voldoende info in van welke vga en welke settings benchmark gedraait is.
  20. nice score, disable Turbo mode in bios, and cpu score should be some higher because it doesn't drop speed then.
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