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Everything posted by Hondacity

  1. nice clocks. wooo Gigabyte sends cpus with their motherboards, of course you didn't buy that cpu lol.
  2. its not a bug. its a major flaw imo. we need a fix now or else the "else" part was just a jk lol
  3. @Hobs thanks bro @Eeky thanks bro @I.R. hahahahhaha I was just testing the ocp mod and it worked hence I just benched and eventually ran out of ln2. I'm already dreaming of gold with my 5770. I heard it has no coldbug too @Mafio 1200 is probably doable with the EvgaMod. The vrm on this gpu is stupid lol. No Vdroop but the vrm power curve is weird. Idle is 1.48 load is varies from 1.45 to 1.41v. And yeah Ovp still kicks in @ 1.5v. I'll have to check the bios voltage settings. @Mehdi thanks bro
  4. LOOOOOL I don't "want" sweet hahahahahah Ah thanks for the confirmation on "overheating" you rock Gyrock!
  5. I just noticed 1.8v wow this will be epic_octime
  6. oi ryba when are you going to give me special price? lol
  7. it is not allowed. i purchased my msi card and you purchased asus. and flashing to msi makes sense? of course not
  8. This should be the standard sentence for requesting a gpu to be added to the database. oops wrong thread...lol
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