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Posts posted by Kal-EL

  1. I want to ask a simple question. If I submit 6.7G+ results with retail 980X, is this thread closed? If yes, I can do it.:)


    Yes, submit result with retail beating pants off ES. Then there would be no more arguments to keep ES chips in the rankings because retail is better.


    Never again will we be arguing about ES because now it is gone from rankings and Top 10 Overclockers are happy because Retail pwns ES.


    Go find Andy's batch guys ;)

  2. Okay:


    - manufacturers allowing people to bin from an enormous amount of samples

    - manufacturers prebinning hardware directly at the factory and handing them to a select few

    - manufacturers working out mod instructions and giving them to a select few


    Just to name a few things.


    I cannot understand why everyone is so furious about ES samples, if those get banned from HWBot, people will either rebrand their hardware as retail or they will start binning retail hardware.

    I would be really curious about how many of the guys complaining now tried a few A0 samples without finding a freak chip. If someone of the those people had found a great chip, would that change his opinion?



    Gautam, you posted while I was writing my post, you put my thoughts into words perfectly.


    No one is furious, just frustrated.


    It boggles me though that if people are here on the premise of "competing" that they would be o.k. with their competitors having an markedly unfair advantage over you them.


    Either they arnt really here to compete or they are just very toolerant.

  3. So, as most of us dont know how to manage big clocks with these cards, it should be banned?




    There is a great number of talented and knowledgeable overclockers out there more than capable of achieving those clocks with the same hardware. These same talented overclockers do not have the privilege of the cold bug fixed provided by some manufacturers and nvidia.


    Don't sell yourself short on your potential. I'm 100% hobbiest and enthusiast but it doesn't mean I'm gonna like watching your average joe overclocker beat the guts outa his retail hardware just to be creamed by Gigabyte or MSI.


    This is exactly whats happening, average joe's make up the majority of submissions at hwbot yet they are being pitted against insurmountable odds when competing directly against Manufacturer backed prototype hardware binned and designed to destroy world records.


    Is hwbot participation completely and utterly about corporate competitive marketing or will there be a space for retail/average joe overclockers to excell?

  4. My vote goes for the first option.

    I rly don't mind if the top clockers, or anyone else, use ES hardware, cherry gfx or whatever.

    To me it looks like this: I like to see whats possible and what the top guys can manage with that kind of hw.

    I'll never be able to compete with the top guys. Even if i had plenty of ES hw.

    It's the skill, wich keeps the top guys up there, not just cherry hw.

    So, keep pushing the shit out of these kind of hardware!




    If you were competing on a retail platform with no hardware support from manufacturers, you would care a great deal about improving the playing field. Its easy to sit back in the rankings and chalk it up to "Its great to see the great scores". But if you're getting close to the top end of the rankings with hopes of breaking into the top ten, you'd be pretty disheartened to continue while getting slapped around by ES chips you have no access to.


    Sure you could ebay some reject ao's or find some black market dealer in Taiwan but odds are you won't get anywhere decent.


    TO me, I see manufacturers investments in top tier overclockers for marketing purposes. Manufacturer after manufacturer looking for the next world record to market their wares. So they support their overclockers and support them well. This is awesome, we get to see wicked prototype hardware doing amazing things on Ln2.


    I guess the question really boil down to:


    Why do you submit benchmarks to hwbot?

  5. we will ignore the poll and still allow the ES to keep 4-5 people on the site & happy.


    Excuse my cockiness but this thing is REDONKEYLESS, we started a few months ago with "We'll wait and see what we'll do, we believe that the retail 980X's and the 670's will catch up with the ES" to "we can't remove ES's because blah blah blah".


    The discussion will die down soon and the die hard overclockers will continue to make submissions like the great enthusiasts that they are until the next ES GPU/CPU hits the marketing scene.

  6. I have made an internal survey among my team-mates, most of them think that ES should be allowed for WR but not for points.


    Our internal poll results show a desire for ES to be completely removed. How to regulate such a rule is being discussed as well.


    HiCookie's scores/clocks are redonkeyless/crazy/sick.

  7. How many people would keep benching on HWbot IF there was another similar oc ranking website but with E.S. restrictions ? ;)


    You'd have an entire Retail Army knocking on your door then Hwbot would turn into a Professional League of SPonsored/Paid or Manufacturer employed overclockers battling it out.

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