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Everything posted by NoMS

  1. Result: http://www.hwbot.org/submission/2267391_nom_yeslinux_cpu_frequency_athlon_64_3200_venice_s754_3121.44_mhz For a $5 CPU and this ghetto thing , I think its quite good...
  2. Hi, Probably I found a little bug, look this: http://www.hwbot.org/benchmark/3dmark2001_se/rankings?hardwareTypeId=videocard_1653#start=0#interval=20 http://www.hwbot.org/submission/2198617_nom_yeslinux_3dmark2001_se_radeon_hd_3000_25158_marks Why my submission is ranked in 2nd if currently there is no one in 1st place? I suppose it should be at 1st place in this case right? Thanks!
  3. Abit AX78 has a beta bios which support Phenom II: http://forums.overclockers.co.uk/showthread.php?p=13291518 I just dont know how well it works because I dont have this board. EDIT: AN78GS has a biosmod with Phenom II support. http://www.bios-mods.com/forum/Thread-Abit-AN78GS-Phenom-X2-240-Support
  4. What's the version of Powerstrip u have used? Version 3.9 doesn't allow overclock here.
  5. Corsair H70 compatibility with Slot A (and probably Slot 1) processors = Checked.
  6. Opa, tudo bem cara? Poderia rodar o bench denovo sem o PhysX ativado? É contra as regras do HWBOT (e a propria Futeremark nao aceita result com PhysX no ORB) e a moderaçao daqui vai bloquear os resultados por causa disso. Tem cadastro no OverBR também? Pq era melhor entrar em contato em particular pra falar isso só que ninguem tem nenhum contato seu...
  7. Renomeia o executavel do Aquamark pra qualquer coisa (Crysis.exe, hwbot.exe, overbr.exe por exemplo kkk)que vai dar uma diferença bem grande no resultado final.
  8. Ticket ID: 1466 Priority: Low Hi,\r\n\r\nPlease add ASUS K7M:\r\nhttp://valid.canardpc.com/show_oc.php?id=2229236\r\n\r\nReview:\r\nhttp://www.anandtech.com/show/467\r\n\r\nThanks!
  9. E5400 cagado esse ein Jacarés? Depois vo tentar denovo com a GTS450...
  10. Ticket ID: 1418 Priority: Medium http://www.cpu-world.com/CPUs/Bobcat/AMD-E%20Series%20E-300.html\r\n\r\nThanks!
  11. Ticket ID: 1417 Priority: Medium http://www.cpu-world.com/CPUs/K10/AMD-Phenom%20II%20Dual-Core%20Mobile%20P650%20-%20HMP650SGR23GM.html Thanks!
  12. Thanks my friend, but who really deserve the credit is this amazing little board.
  13. Stage VI says 1/2/4/6/8 CPU's, so that mean we can use servers with multiple sockets in this stage?
  14. Well done! Congratz for you and Biostar for this score.
  15. posted on wrong category...btw, great result bro
  16. DDR Booster (ta até ali na foto ele remendado na mobo hahaha), coisa de 3.4V
  17. you need to ran gpu tests (GT1 / GT2) and disable physx to get an 3dmv valid score...
  18. Ticket ID: 1384 Priority: Low Hi,\r\n\r\nPlease add this little thing:\r\nhttp://www.asus.com/Motherboards/AMD_AM3Plus/M5A78LM_LX/\r\n\r\nThanks
  19. He used LOD Tweak on this run... At least if I use this tweak here, the result screen looks like this too.
  20. Mandou bem Ribeiro! Excelente CPU esse seu 1100T...O 1090T que usei no review das Crosshair IV nao consegue nem validar nesse clock (nem com 1 core só ativo) =} Da pra baixar um pouco mais o tempo no pi, depois se possível tenta fazer o seguinte: a) Subir o clock do NB (que esta @ 2147 pelo screen), o Thuban pega coisa de 3000~3500 com 1.35V~1.45V (depende só do seu processador hehehe) na agua e isso vai dar uma diferença consideravel. b) Essas Dominator GT a julgar pelos timmings e clock que estão rodando ai, usam Elpida Hyper, nesse caso devem fazer coisa de 1750~1800 6-6-6-18 1T com coisa de 1.75V...Também aperte os sub-timmings tb que da pra tirar uma diferencinha boa viu.
  21. TEC Cooled 8600GT rev0.1: Yes, it works (24C idle / 45C full @ stock clocks/volts)! Need a better mount system for next rev btw...
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