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Everything posted by NoMS

  1. I have only one XP-M 2600+ (a good one ) too, but I just have a jurassic mobo with KT133A here...
  2. Thanks Xandelly, but this Barton is limited by this old Soyo, if it is on more recent motherboard, the results would be much better
  3. I have googled and found how to do this, I will re-bench this asap! Thanks for this tip!
  4. I really doesnt see any difference between them (same results in both programs since Hyperpi use superpi xs 1.5), but if it isnt ok to use on hwbot for any reason, I will not use it here. Thanks and can consider this resolved!
  5. Why my submission is blocked? HyperPi is just a interface for Superpi XS 1.5 and uses this, just look at Hyperpi folders and you will see the Superpi XS 1.5 inside http://www.xtremesystems.org/Forums/showthread.php?t=176904 http://virgilioborges.com.br/hyperpi/ http://hwbot.org/community/submission/987665_nom_yeslinux_superpi_k6_2_533mhz_5min_55sec_932ms I have used this because my bench SO doesn't have task manager, so I use hyperpi to set priority of superpi... Thanks.
  6. Now it's in correct ranking! =) Thanks for advice.
  7. Ticket ID: 848 Priority: Medium Please, add this processor to database:\r\nhttp://valid.canardpc.com/show_oc.php?id=1104542\r\n\r\n\r\nThanks!
  8. Brazilian portuguese translation finally done. Massman, you got a mail.
  9. Portuguese translation = ~40% done. Next week PT-BR translation rev.A0 will be ready.
  10. Avaliable for Brazilian Portuguese translation!
  11. Mandou bem cara, 100k na GTX ^^ Great score, 199k score with a 9800GTX ^^
  12. Mandou bem no E2140 ein... =O Nice Work on E2140!
  13. Time to fry my old 754 combo...
  14. Just insane!!!! Sick score and clock, congrats.
  15. Nice ghetto pot (and it give me one idea haha) and great result. =P
  16. I am trying to send my first result, but it return this error: Result: Error: =(
  17. Ticket ID: 691 Priority: Medium Create a new category for K6-2+ 533, and move aicjofs and Shadow Hunter results to this new category, K6-2+ 533 (0.18u and 128k L2 on-die) are far better than K6-2 533 (0.25u and no L2 on-die)\r\n\r\nhttp://www.hwbot.org/hardware/processor/k6_2_533mhz\r\n\r\nPS: Sorry my bad english.
  18. Ticket ID: 487 Priority: Medium Hi!\r\nI would like to change my forum nickname (SturmgewehrBr) to \"Nom$ _YesLinux\" as it is on hwbot, it is possible to change?\r\n\r\nThanks for help, sorry my bad english =(
  19. Ticket ID: 336 Priority: High Please, include this cpu on database =)\r\nhttp://valid.canardpc.com/show_oc.php?id=572276
  20. It has been reported but remains in the wrong place, look this... http://www.hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=500621
  21. Ticket ID: 113 Priority: Medium The PCI version of this vga is worse than AGP version, need a new specification for this videocard \r\n\r\nhttp://gpuz.techpowerup.com/08/09/15/t0.png\r\nhttp://img167.imageshack.us/my.php?image=tnt2tl1.jpg\r\n\r\n(sorry my bad english)
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