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Everything posted by NoMS

  1. Congratz to all participants, this June OC Challenge was a very nice competition.
  2. I got a problem to run PCMark04 on Win 7, look this: WME9 installed and is OK, the problem is just with WMP... Any suggestion?
  3. Thanks egm_xt. Will try to improve this result later, I think it still has room to improve. Valeu!
  4. Finally an OC Challenge which my old K6-2 system is useful. That will be nice.
  5. The board still working good. I've insulated the area around the socket (under the heatsink). Unfortunately, no mhz gain vs air cooling
  6. Thanks my friend. The limit of this board on air is 330~335HTT, but with dry ice on nForce 3 at least 350HTT i know its possible.
  7. Mandou muito bem no Vantage! Já rodou o 06 tb pra ver o estrago?
  8. Winfast FX5200 + Koolance GPU POT: Air Cooled (yes, i'm using only the insulation+thermal paste to "stuck" this cooler on that card there is no glue or screws ): Unfortunately no time/motivation to test this (yeah, still need to insulate the pot and mobo ) and i'm not sure if the results will be much better than what i got on air... DICE is expensive here (+/- US$9 for 1 kg) so i prefer to use this on more "result guaranted" hardware.
  9. Another question... Will be another internationalization project for rev4?
  10. Understood. Thanks for explanation Massman.
  11. http://uat.hwbot.org/user/nom_yeslinux http://www.hwbot.org/community/user/nom_yeslinux?tab=profile i don't know how i lose points, now looking my submissions and comparing points btw the 2 rev's to see what happened or maybe i'm missing something new?
  12. For me it works for some minutes, now the bad gateway errors dominate. My first impression for rev4.0 is good (apart the fact my points has decreased, but there is no problem with this as my team up some positions in ranking ), hardware library is amazing and interface looks nice...btw need more time exploring this to draw more conclusions.
  13. Coisa de loko essa bancada ai ein? Mando bem véio!
  14. Nice XP-M you got egm. FSB won't go over 208? Ahh, outstanding job you have done in this challenge. Congratz!
  15. Ticket ID: 1257 Priority: Medium Hi,\r\n\r\nPlease add the ASUS M4A78LT-M-LE:\r\nhttp://uk.asus.com/product.aspx?P_ID=exJL00uovTJaDqxR\r\n\r\nPS: I sent by mistake this ticket in private status and now I\'m resending this as a public. Sorry. =/\r\n\r\nThanks
  16. Ticket ID: 1254 Priority: Low Hi,\r\n\r\nPlease add the ASUS M4A78LT-M-LE:\r\nhttp://uk.asus.com/product.aspx?P_ID=exJL00uovTJaDqxR\r\n\r\nThanks
  17. ^^^ I agree with this, but if it isn't possible I will go on the third option.
  18. Ticket ID: 1212 Priority: Low Hi,\r\n\r\nNeed a new category for this processor:\r\nhttp://valid.canardpc.com/show_oc.php?id=598666\r\n\r\nAparently this is a Celeron 205 but i\'m isn\'t sure of this. I have submitted the results in Celeron M 310 category times ago. \r\n\r\nhttp://hwbot.org/hardware/processor/celeron_m_310?tab=2drankings
  19. Ticket ID: 1200 Priority: Medium Hi,\r\n\r\nPlease include the Gigabyte GA-VM800PMC:\r\nhttp://www.gigabyte.com/products/product-page.aspx?pid=2471#ov\r\n\r\nThanks
  20. Ticket ID: 1158 Priority: High Hi,\r\n\r\nPlease include my m8 mobo, Biostar TA790GXBE:\r\nHis validation:\r\nhttp://valid.canardpc.com/show_oc.php?id=1589360\r\n\r\nThis model on Biostar site:\r\nhttp://www.biostar.com.tw/app/pt/mb/introduction.php?S_ID=419\r\n\r\nThanks
  21. Abaixa o mult do cpu para não ser limitado pela frequencia final dele. Coloca mult 6X que com certeza o HTT sobe mais
  22. Ah sim. Mas no caso falo de enviar o resultado do Heaven ai: http://hwbot.org/competition/country_cup_2010?tab=stage%201 Pro seu resultado valer nessa competição ai, tem que enviar por ai e obviamente, de acordo com as regras dela (só colocar o wallpaper do link que ta la hehe) Abraços!
  23. Show a maquina cara!!! Parabéns pelo score Não teria como rodar o unigine heaven dx11 com um gpu só pro Country Cup não?
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