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Everything posted by the_patchelor

  1. where to get the impact 0097 Bios? https://www.chiphell.com/thread-2276004-1-1.html
  2. 5950X on ROG X570 impact and 2402 with C patch is a nightmare. 1.8V PLL ist set over 2.1 by default once FLCK is set over 1600. Manually setting the voltage back to 1.8V results in slowdowns, CB20 give e.g. 1200 Points. -setting FCLK > 1600 give WHEAS (e.g. monitored in HWinfo64) CPU BUS/Interconnect errors in 10 oder 100s groups. Compared with 2311 where at least FLCK 1900 is stable IF manually set the CPU Core to a fixed value. CPU multiplicator on Auto will give same CPU BUS/Interconnect errors with ver. 2311. Asus should spent time and fix the bios versions for their existing boards and not promoting the nice dark site of the moon. ahhh hero board!
  3. last time when they were sold in stores in Germany (Jan 2017 or so), it was around 200€, got this for 250+shipping
  4. just selling my beloved MOCF again, less time for a new build.
  5. Just selling my ASRock Z170M OC Formula again. Bought it just end of August on hardwareluxx.de from "symerac" (he had it listed here as well). It's hardmodded (SKT_OC to GND) und 7.51E Bios Bios with CFL 6C/12T installed. Works like a charm. 2Pins are burned already so no further mods required Board comes with box and all accessories. Sold as it is. Item Location: Germany This is a private sale. No warranty or returns.  Not available any more As It's my first sale here, please see my listing on hardwareluxx.de (same account name) I was able to get some nice runs with my 8700K under water:
  6. yes I was thinking to use it first, but it was looking for the shortest possible wire routing some other issue... I'm trying to get 2x16GB Sticks (Kit: F4-4000C19D-32GTZKK) working but, can't get higher than 3600. I had already to raise VCCIO to 1.250v and have to use a lower VCCSA 1.110v to get Karhu RAM Test runing and not stopping after a a few % coverage. I know that 16GB Sticks are tricky but I hope that at some point I can run them on 4000.... may not on the MOCF ? Anyone who has experience with 32GB on MOCF?
  7. found a short track to ground, will be covered by NVMe 970pro drive
  8. Tranks for clearification,so it will burn and smoke the 2 Pins as well. Got it. The difference on MOCF is, it will work then even and still without this two killed socket Pins
  9. Really? Saw some User reporting it will work fine without isolating on MOCF. Yea may better not to risk...
  10. Hi, just to double check: if I do the motherboard hardmod (Z170M OCF) and connect "T_SKT_OCC" to ground (soldering) THEN NO need for bridging the CPU too (AC35-AB35)?! AND independent from the way of "T_SKT_OCC" grounding: NO isolating needed (AJ30/AK27)?! as they are connected different on the Board (MOCF) other then OCF were the "burn"
  11. greetings to all from German hardwareluxx forum we also discuss and buy now cheap Apex IX boards some thoughts: existing W10 install, had to install latetest Intel LAN driver from Asus AND Lighting_Control_1.06.17, installed and Aura is on! disable 5G in Bios by hand is not a big deal... @ jjxaker can we post you bios directly in the other forum, with a link to this thread and source?
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