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Everything posted by chuchnit

  1. I have this card. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814127473 It's listed as an 8400GS 256mb. It is a G98 core a la gpuz. GPUZ also shows this card as a 8400, not 8400GS. What category do I put this card in? 8400GS (G98) or 8400 (G98)???
  2. Very true but Cowie is still on F2 because he says he can't boot past x53 on any of the B3 betas. I need to actually test F2 and try two other betas.
  3. So far only x54. Gotta try a couple other BIOS though.
  4. Haven't had a chance to even d/l it yet. I'll be trying this week.
  5. What? You didn't read the news? Hell froze over! Hehe a cause as good as this can even make me bench. Now if I can just find some efficiency.
  6. 2600k 3049A287 Costa Rica 1501 got here today. Will report back later when I fire it up in the UD7.
  7. Way to go guys. How many more to bin?
  8. Wha?!? Amazing Mad! You got that majic touch with AMD huh?
  9. 1. Great run Dom!! 2. hwbot you guys really need to fix your rules pages!!
  10. What's up with all the early X58's killing it in the MHZ department?
  11. Great job Ronaldo!! I sure hope you've earned yourself a trip to compete.
  12. Thanks brudder. Could be better, but I'm done till I can freeze it.
  13. Way to bring home the gold brudder. Congrats on the 3k hw boints too!!
  14. Hopefully it can get flushed out before then huh? If that doesn't happen I would like to see his high run after all is said and done.
  15. Brian, when are we gonna see your 01 with the proper CL, dragos and lobbies?
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