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Everything posted by chuchnit

  1. mmmm ln2 fog in the morning.... Good luck!
  2. Frosty pic or it didn't happen
  3. Eleet doesn't work for changing clocks the last I heard. There is an unlocked version of precision.
  4. Probably the quickest "fix" is to have a league solely for the "pros". Then all the manufacturer's guys can have battle, we watch in awe, and doesn't skew the rankings for mere mortals. I love seeing the scores that are put up, but it is bullshit to say its fair to compete against that. I could go into more, but I'm wasting my time at this place.
  5. Good luck on your session!! What is in your agenda? All 2D?
  6. How is the BIOS? Awaiting them frozen runs
  7. Waiting for results!! Man UD9 is a nice looking board I must say.
  8. When is the first sub-zero session?
  9. Ya I know there is a long history that lead up to this, but I think clarkdale, Gulftown, and finally Fermi has brought people to their boiling point. I could probably type for an hour on what I think the problems in the community are, but I don't have the time to type it, nor the patience for the same old people to come in and make excuses for what I say, and why I'm wrong. SF3D, I haven't been in this game for very long, but in the short time you are a respectful person so me quoting you didn't mean I was accusing you of any wrong doing.
  10. Who is griping about sponsered clockers here?
  11. Everything started to really go wrong with Clarkdale ES just being retarded vs. retail. Then it continued and I would argue worse with Gulftown since they cost $1000 a piece. Then GTX480 and the stupid cold slow bug which there is a fix for, but only a handful of benchers got the mod. Or we could back up a little further and say that a large problem is the people that have a large influence or say-so in the rules around here have something to loose by changing anything. I got 1-2 people on my team right now that have a better than good chance of taking down 03 and possibly single socket vantage, but the stupid cold slow bug is preventing this. Pretty much garbage if you ask me that this mod is so damn private.
  12. Thanks! I wasn't bitching at all. I was just thinking about ordering the stuff to play until I realized I wouldn't make it for stage one. Figured I would ask
  13. Massman, since its the same CPU and setup basically for all stages, why have only a week for each?
  14. Wow this is a board to watch out for!! Nice bclocking Massman.
  15. Yah I read most of the guru3d review today. Looks to be a great board. Now Massman needs to publish his final review since he includes sub-zero in his
  16. I called it beta because I can't buy it in the US and they are still sending you BIOS's to fix things. Board actually is looking pretty good. MSI has made giant leaps in their motherboards this past year. pi32m doesn't look to bad
  17. Massman how would you rate this board in its beta status? Is it a board to watch out for? Have you got a chance to test efficiency yet?
  18. Understood. Like I said above I was unaware of the control you guys have over these these, or lack thereof. You guys really do a great job with hwbot so please don't think I was ever implying otherwise. Thanks again for clarification. Well in the end that is what will happen, but I just couldn't sit quiet anymore either.
  19. Perception is reality. The perception by the majority is that these are not fair. I just gave an example of one competition that no one could complain about. I see the motive in the hw challenge and I don't mean to discredit them. Classicplatforms and many others have a blast with those. Reading my post I can see that it seemed as if I was putting them down. That was not my intentions. It would be cool to mix them up a little. But I can't complain if you guys don't change a thing. Well sure I gave you excuses. Valid ones though. Me being broke right now is the biggest. I still stand by them though. Once things get better for me, I may compete, but the rules have got to change and I gotta be able to actually gain something from winning (if I did). If evga ever throws a competition here I'll compete just to make you happy. (I already own a classified ) Usually I would agree with you on the ES thing, but GT and Clarkdale re-wrote those rules. There is what, one 6.4-6.5ghz retail 980x in the wild? Please correct me if I'm wrong. How many ES are in that range. I'm talking about 32m here. That's where my analogy of Andre comes to point. There are great retails out there. They are hard to find. Let the people compete and have to find that golden retail. ES are already binned and have been proven to hit those frequencies already and outshine almost all retails. As long as those ES CPU's are still living it will skew the outcome of the competition. I never said that people with ES aren't deserving. Hell I don't mind as much as most to let them compete in the globals. I'm all about seeing the highest scores out there. Hell I've been lucky enough to pick off some scores from guys I look up to from time to time. It motivates me. Basically man the day to day hwbot ranking in no way are expected to be as "fair" as manufacturer sponsered comps. Honestly I didn't know that. I'll check it out. That's good, but you guys need to relay to the manufacturers what the pulse of the community is thinking. That includes more than the top 10 in the rankings. This hobby is still too small. Focus needs to be given to the small guy too. It will keep that flame going for them. Massman, I honestly didn't know you guys don't write the rules until Richbastard made that comment. I thought you guys had more to do with the rules.
  20. Wrong.. Your monthly overclock challenges are on ancient hardware. Vince's comps are as modern as the manufacturer contest. Vince puts up some pretty nice prizes, but if you got to buy the hardware thats best, the prizes aren't worth the purchase. The point is the rules attract people. Plus Vince is a manufacturer of ln2 cooling equipment. I can't speak for everybody so here is my take. There is a thing called fair and IMHO if the competition is sponsered by a manufacturer by god it should have fair rules. For hwbot comps, fair isn't limiting clocks. Fair is 1.) The hardware is available by the start date of the competition. 2.) No freaking ES gear!! How hard is that? 3.) Employees of said sponser shouldn't be competiting for winnings. Lemme use Andre for example. The reason why is because he is known for spending HIS money to extensively bin CPU's. So you restrict to the stated rules above. If Andre finds a 6.5ghz 980x through his binning process to win the comp. Who can bitch? Well lots of people, but they are gonna bitch anyways because they envy anyone who can buy things they can't. Was it a fair competition? Yes it was. Everyone played the same lotto to find a good CPU. In my example Andre just happened to buy more tickets. What isn't fair is if a manufacturer gives a bencher a tray full of ES CPU's and a stack of ES cards to win the comp they are throwing. Really that's just shitty business ethics. Let me tell you why I don't and then won't compete in these competitions. First, and the one that really matters is the fact I don't have the money to play the game right now. If I was going to go out on a limb and borrow money/sell stuff to enter, the prize that I have a CHANCE of winning better be greater than the money spent. LN2 included..... Until then I'll never take part in a competition unless I already own the required gear. Second, I won't compete at hwbot competitions because of these very rules we have discussed in this thread and countless other on the forums. The likely winner is already picked by the manufacturer..... Until that changes I wouldn't compete if I was a millionaire. Its a principal thing. That's probably a good idea. Your perspective seems to be off center from the majority. Why must you be so arrogant towards everyone? A low clock challenge with modern hw wouldn't be a bad idea for the hw challenge. Definitely you can't limit clocks in this competition so I gotta agree. It however isn't fair to have access to the cold slow mod and compete in this competition. That's my smallest gripe though and I could live with that being allowed. Why do I waste my time discussing things with you Massman? You're right, I don't compete in these competitions. I care about the community and its growth. Shit that goes on here discourages tons of up and comers who are just getting into this hobby. I don't know about you, but I'd like this thing to grow. Stuff like these competitions just give them a bad taste. That taste can be hard to wash out.....
  21. Why is it when K|ngp|n throws a competition, other than his Dominance cooler one, that plenty of people compete? Sure its a low clock, but he puts no cooling restrictions on. Usually he doesn't allow ES either. No manufacturer restrictions......and on and on. His last 01 comp had TONS of activity until the last half which was expected. All the guys who maxed their personal scores out were forced out due to scores and the strong were left standing to battle. What's hilarious about his competitions is that he offers ZERO money for them. I also don't remember anyone crying "unfair" either. Face it man, you guys are not throwing the competitions with the rules the community wants. That doesn't mean everybody wants the rules to swing in their favor. PS: Sorry for bringing your name into this K|ngp|n, but you are the best example I got.
  22. I noticed the lack of limits for VGA. I also notice it just says "Please use MSI X-power";) Honestly my jaw dropped when I saw this. Kudos go to MSI for that one. You gotta realize it only takes one crappy competition to put a bad taste in people's mouths. I'll say no more, and no I have never competed in a hwbot contest other than your 01 contest, which I'm not done with.
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