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Everything posted by [DRACO]

  1. Thank you all for your support, This community, as I said before is the best, and all are equal in all respects. If razista continues his attack will keep you informed Thank you
  2. Every day I receive a racist threats mienbro community, and decided to make it public for people to see who he is. In this community we are all equal and we get along, I think it is the best community in the world. I have many friends in this community, Things that are kind send me Gypsies soys bunnyextraction says they do not want Romanians or gypsies or French, He says the best are the Catalan. I'll put some catching less offensive. [img/]http://img902.imageshack.us/img902/1299/x8IYH2.jpghttp://img902.imageshack.us/img902/1299/x8IYH2.jpg' alt='x8IYH2.jpg'> I think we should give this man a chance, but then would have to ban them for life for people in the community see that there razistas overclocking. This man is XEVIPIU A Razista of the biggest in Spain http://hwbot.org/user/xevipiu/
  3. Problems for memories, testing mpower...
  4. I have a problem, Where I can buy 3dmark03 serial?
  5. lol Nice Mem y cpu, CHIP MEM Elpida?
  6. Yess use 4.5 net framework.
  7. Hello Brothers, I have a question, Sometimes when I install new system detects the Z87 Disk Ram Xpower, run the program I get error ... The program I use is the RAM DISK MSI, The question is if there is a driver? since this is not always installed. Has anyone had the same problem? greetings and thanks RAMDisk INFO MSI Command Center Integrates an unlimited RAMDisk With The retail value of $ 35. With a RAMdisk you can create a virtual drive from your system memory enabling speeds 20x faster than a modern SSD. There are options to load images complete game, you can speed up your page file browser or your whole game Which Increases your system performance.
  8. Is real? 1x ssd 19290 points?
  9. +200a max mhz 6100 ? As we need maximum? 300a? I've had enough problems with Mpower Z87, Above all went off to spend xTU, No more voltage needed or need cold, I think it is a bios problem of not giving the necessary watts. It is rare that more testing can xpower up with the same cpu.
  10. lol interesting
  11. Brother, I also use old corsair AX1200, He shut down problem? That source went well? regards
  12. brother, I have also tried Mpower with ln2 and I was pretty bad, In xTU 5ghz turned off until I do not understand why. I've tried some different things bios and bios. Nothing helped to be stable. Very different from the xpower that is far more stable. I hope it will be your
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