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Everything posted by [DRACO]

  1. Hi all, My question is whether to use the same cpu for all tests? Memory can be changed in each test? thanks
  2. Possible 2400 cl 9-12-11 1,65vt
  3. maybe more with asus upload. Msi is not very good in memories
  4. jajaja yess H9C, SEEMED W9C jajaj
  5. Chip MFR W9C NEW CHIP!!!
  6. I have not tried it yet, but it sure can do 2400 cl9
  7. Geil evo veloce 2400 cl11 GEV38GB2400C11ADC geil seems that has been the batteries Use hard: Msi Gd-80 z77 i7 3770k Msi 7970 oc Ssd corsair CHIP MFR Testing 2600 cl10 1,64vt Testing 2666 cl 11 1,68vt Testing 2800 cl 12 1,80vt
  8. Mi new cpu 3218b975 3770k@5000 1,28vt 2c 2t 32m pass h2o 3770k@5200 1,42vt 4c 4t 32m pass h2o 3770k@5300 1,5vt 4c 4t 32m pass h2o boot ok 5400 5500 h2o not stable 32m... try missing ln2
  9. Sorry, Is what I'm saying their scores are not normal ... And I say or explain where the problem or error, or if you are simply putting two cards ... regards
  10. Ximi este usuario tiene un 980x@6400mhz + 5870@1010core http://hwbot.org/submission/2203071_bobnz_3dmark05_radeon_hd_5870_48067_marks Mirate que tienes que tener algo que esta haciendo este fallo y la gente puede pensar que estas haciendo trampas
  11. His last performances are strange ... It may be a bug or something nose ... Maybe not explain Ximi
  12. Ximi como puede ser que tengas la misma puntuacion que un 2600k@5820mhz + 5870@1350core ...? http://hwbot.org/submission/2252343_sniperoz_3dmark05_radeon_hd_5870_48438_marks/
  13. lol've doubled the punctuation ... as you do? 1x6970@1200core 3431 points... http://hwbot.org/submission/2147253_bullus_unigine_heaven___basic_preset_(dx9)_radeon_hd_6970_3431.95_dx9_marks/
  14. GFX: 0 CPU:0mhz? EstraƱo como te ha dado esos resultados siendo muchos mas bajos tu cpu y vga?
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