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Everything posted by [DRACO]

  1. Nice BRO, Software utility used? Thanks
  2. luck to all I have had problems with the titan vmod. also the cpu to buy in Jakarta is a very bad bad cpu (I cheated) I just participated. I hope to be there the next power up, this time it has been.
  3. Hello Brother, I does this mod ... No other? wonder when you start the voltage is very low 0.57 vt
  4. Vmod been testing, 2-point, Vr 100 ohm But the graph does not start and makes a noise quite rare THE voltage with vmod vt is 0.47, If I disable the vmod working properly, Someone knows that could be wrong? Another vmod? regards
  5. Nice bios Bro, That bios is? 1.1b6? regards
  6. As you rise to the result? To me the link fails http://hwbot.org/api/competition.xml?contestId=574 up : fire strike extreme http://hwbot.org/submission/2405898_ up : 32m http://hwbot.org/submission/2405894_ up : cinebench http://hwbot.org/submission/2405886_ Anyone know how to upload results?
  7. +1 I have the same problem, Degradation of me confirmed, at least with my cpu.
  8. I'm waiting for new Cpu wing He has now been a week late I hope to be on time to pass the test of the moa. regards
  9. Thanks brother for the information Anyone have a link to the bios msi 1200 titan air to rise? regards
  10. Hello, I have trouble finding titan nvidia MSI, It's worth any other brand, for the moa? I find Titan msi. titan valid to asus or zotac? actually the same pcb If titan easy to locate an nvidia, zotac, asus ect ... thanks
  11. How do I get the save of xTU? I can not find ... Alone with save profile but can not find the file to send ...
  12. Hello all, Use 1 cpu same all test? possible 3960x for cinebench + 1x 4770k for 32m ? Thanks
  13. lol nice 780gtx ligtining!!! 1900core?
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