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Everything posted by Doc.Brown

  1. I hope the hwb staff to hear your idea ...
  2. I think it's a good idea too @El Gappo:I respect your opinion but IMO tweaking is part of fun,trying to be under the 220Mb/s is a big waste of time because,when we are on Ln² or Dice,time = money.Ln² or dice cost one arm here ^^
  3. I vote for the third option,i don't really want to completely remove the Xp Start-up limitation but i wish it will be adapt with the speed of the current storage solutions(hdd,ssd) of the moment(sata3). Or another solution exist,keep the limit to 220 but build a wrapper or a little software wich could limit the start-up test at the same value for all guys. Sorry for my bad english.
  4. I'm agree,and also remove the Xp start up limitation too because only one ssd can do better now. I've got only one sata3 ssd to play with pcmark05 and the 220Mb/s limit is just non-sense IMO
  5. This benchmark really take a strange way i think,and if someone use a ramdisk instead of ramcache now how could you see it ?
  6. I'm not sure i'm really understand this,if ramcache is like ramdisk is it allowed or not?
  7. 20 runs to have 1 in the XP Starup limitation...fu****g rule!
  8. yep i know,we're all in the same case
  9. Yes sure but that's annihilate efforts and money engaged for this stage,so the motivation is down,that's normal.
  10. And eternal shame for the others Some guys are too bad for pushing their hardware over the limit and make great score so they adopt a dirty way for grab one little point on cup classement Perhaps should we do the same... It will be more simple than search good tweaks or hardware...but it will hurt our own honor.
  11. Je sais,mais je ne l'ai pas encore d'installé,juste pour le fun ça^^
  12. Hello, All of my submissions are marked as"don't want to participate ranking",I started to edit them to unmarked but it's too long,can someone do something for me? I have a bug page when i want to marked/unmarked the option to participate ranking in my account page. Thanks
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