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trans am

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Everything posted by trans am

  1. that brings a tear to my eye. I couldnt have done it without paul and steve from the 9260 xs thread. that thread is legendary. there is more hard drive knowledge to be gained from that single thread than every ocing forum combined. I just wish tilt got it together. he is another one I have very high hardrive respect for.
  2. Paul, that was amazing! I hope these raid and hdd companies wake up one day and give you some hardware to things youve accomplished on their hardware their engineers cant come close to. you are quite possible the best hdd bencher in our solar system.
  3. man I was getting nervous when massman was nipping at steves heels. Steve had to work late so he submitted that bench as soon as he got up and he gets up early. anything couldve happened. Im amazed by all this. not that i dont have faith in my team but you know how these things go. Its a big ebay auction and people always snipe. Steve came through as always! steve ive said it once and I'll say it again. when you started really benching this summer you have accomplished things guys that have been submitting for years can only dream about. its freaks all of us out. its unbelievable. guys go look at steves submissions and the date of those submissions and be prepared for a very humbling experience. this is not bill gate's son. this is a very mature individual on the brink of retirement who works very hard and goes to bed at 9pm and wakes up at 4:30am every day. I can only imagine what steve will be doing when he is fully retired and has all that freetime on his hands to focus on overclocking. Even Shamino would run the other way if he saw uncle steve in a dark alley.
  4. thanks for those kind words paul. You helped me and so many around the world with hdd perfomance setups. for me this was less of a hdwr contest and more of a test of myself. I have never been very patient but I am stubborn as hell and all the time i spent learning about the raid card and ssds I wouldnt go down with out a fight. The overclocking gods are proud of all of you who contributed. This was uncharted territory for all of us. thanks to hwbot for keeping it fresh. this was a historic event.
  5. all that time last new years you helped me on the lsi. it wouldnt be possible without your coutless hours and dedication to performance hdd raid setups.
  6. just barely keeping my head out of the water.
  7. Holy crap! I thought nobody would be able to beat the last submission! nice job congrats to the single core WR!
  8. I see. I'm sorry to point fingers. this is going to be impossible to beat.
  9. "Your result has the following problem(s) and will not be shown for example on leaderboards: Processor is not recognized" its a rad score but its sorta fishy at the same time. I'm trying to figure it out. I wish I had a link to compare to.
  10. Computurd, you are the Shamino of hard drive benching. omg. screw the gulftowns and 580gtx. a serious hdd setup is by far the most noticeable upgrade you can actually feel if you have everything else. I hope they add more hdd benchmarks to HW bot after this. its the highest level possible.
  11. I see you found the ddr2 am3 board is key to htt past 350. well deserved my friend. its the reason I am not beating you due to a htt cap on ddr3 at 350. I seriously doubt anyone will beat this at this point in the contest. You got it hands down.
  12. tu che my fine comrade. well earned.
  13. 418 htt on ddr3. This kicks ass tap. THIS OC definitely deserves more recognition from everyone.
  14. Linuxfan that is a good question. its stock is 2.8ghz air wont cut it and I wont bother with Dice since I am clocking different stages in this contest. so just use ln2 for everything.
  15. to answ LNXF question it was the last run I did with a working board and ln2. I still have the 660 and Ln2 is refilled but the boards are FUBAR. so it wasnt a limitation at all hdwr wise. It was the usual wall that ends a session. too many beers and not enough ln2.
  16. with the cb mod from cookiemonster I was at around between -110 - -130 on this board. I wish I had another. the max3F is not cutting it on my 660 past -85c and I did the mod. even if It did go colder it wouldnt matter because the max3F wouldnt come close to the bclk on the GA boards. flow me a board. I have 3 dead ones GA can refurb. 2 x ,h55n mini itx and 1 udh2 All i want is one more. if gigabyte sent me another I'd rerun all you want. but until then this is all I can show for it. ask anyone on xs and check my hw submissions from august and july. im good for it.
  17. all the suites? thats like an hour of ln2. is this this secret? for the guys that cant speak portuguese he said "Oops, great James, who are these fans that blow on True? and because there are people that only makes the PCMark Suite and others (like your bench) testing everything? I believe that everything is obvious that testing makes testing more points than just the first suite, right? Hug." I'll try running the hours worth of benches instead of just the 1st suite. Maybe you're onto something here. @ PSR. nice job with the covert language to throw us off. You can blame Sepultura for my knowledge of portuguese language. max and igor would be proud. keep it up TA
  18. yeah man gaming 1 hangs (the circle keeps going) sometimes moving the mouse helps but its screwed up.
  19. hey man nice job. can you post your FM url so I can see your details?
  20. this is the other stevie wonder. you made us proud brother!
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