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Everything posted by varachio

  1. The first one I tested had 340fsb wall ... -126 CBB is not so bad since the cpu have no CB at all... However in my case that was bad because my motherboard cannot work with soft-fsb programs for an unknown reason... so i was able only to boot at 401 fsb and -120degC, keep temperature stable there and bench at only that speed... so no soft-fsb method used here
  2. Quite interesting HDD numbers... what HDD used? Is that pre-warming for the upcoming Team cup maybe? Hope you have less-core cpu for sub-comp 6...
  3. Well done mate! Not bad at all for SS... How about your temps under load? Also, try to run spi on Xp... vista is not the favor OS for spi
  4. Till ivy arrive let sandy rock! Well done Vaggeli!
  5. Well done mate... the score is efficient for sure... and the GPU great as you said...
  6. Finally i figured out... achievent icon of 2000 points calculates (probably) user points (UP)... close to anyway... Achievement icon of 3000 points calculates correctly team power points (TPP)... So seems to me as a bug... (?)
  7. Hey, this is a nice one... especially for H2O cooling...
  8. Yep!!! Nothing better than this while on Board!!!
  9. Yup!... I did that... multiple times actually... It reverts with message that "cheched but not awarded. Either you already have this achievement, or you do not meet the requirements" ...
  10. Minor issues though, however I've noticed that few days ago so I said "why not report it?"... Maybe it's a general issue and more members face it. So first of all I noticed that I reached 2054 contribution points for my team... however achievement is not granted because at 2000Points achievement icon, appear to have only 1416 points despite the fact that at 3000Points achievement icon appear to have the correct team contribution points (2054)... Strange, huh? Second issue the 1156 socket points achievement... 100 points should be gained to achieve this, seems that I have 117 points (incorrect I think since I didn't bench 1156 socket a lot) but if I bring the mouse cursor over points bar indicates 117/800... Strange again... something is calculated wrong. I already forced a re-calculation of my points... but nothing changed... Also note that this is at least one week since i noticed... Ok. Minor issues as I said but if can be fixed would be nice... Thanks in advance for your attention...
  11. I see you had a busy weekend, huh? Congrats dude! Quite nice clocks!
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