Was a well deserved & clear win for Madshrimps! Congratz!
Congrtaz also to Infrared for the AMD effort and to all participants around the world!
I would like to congratz also my team for the 9th place and since no submission made under LN2 for Hellas O/C team this 9th place reveals a great effort under SS, H2O & AIR cooling.
Most important of all is the fact that we managed to energize 2-3 idle members and more than three (3) new members that joined our team due to Team Cup!
And now that all settled down I have a proposal for the next competitions.
What if we give a bonus to those members/teams submit scores at the beginning of the competitions? An additional algorithm let's say that will introduce a "value" to the scores depend on the date/time of the submission. That would eliminate sandbagging and will reward those that reveal early their configuration/scores. I think this will make the game more fair & more synthetic and we will have great scores from the beginning of competitions