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Everything posted by varachio

  1. welcome back to scores mate...
  2. Nice result! Well done!
  3. Question for stage 3. i5 750 for example not allowed? Only 655K?
  4. I thought futuremark link needed only for top 20 global. This score is #8 in x2 cpu category. I didn't keep the validation file. Should I need to delete this score then?
  5. Vertex 4 is missing from hw database. Kindly consider add it into storage options when submitting results. Thanks in advance for your attension on this
  6. Welcome back to scores mate! Well done!
  7. Ticket ID: 1743 Priority: Medium Kindly consider to change QX9775 socket category from s775 that is currently to s771 that is actually.\r\n\r\nThanks in advance for the attention on this
  8. Locked Bios... Stock intel HD graphics... no ability for O/C... single Vertex 4 used... not maxed out yet... submission for reference only...
  9. Was a well deserved & clear win for Madshrimps! Congratz! Congrtaz also to Infrared for the AMD effort and to all participants around the world! I would like to congratz also my team for the 9th place and since no submission made under LN2 for Hellas O/C team this 9th place reveals a great effort under SS, H2O & AIR cooling. Most important of all is the fact that we managed to energize 2-3 idle members and more than three (3) new members that joined our team due to Team Cup! And now that all settled down I have a proposal for the next competitions. What if we give a bonus to those members/teams submit scores at the beginning of the competitions? An additional algorithm let's say that will introduce a "value" to the scores depend on the date/time of the submission. That would eliminate sandbagging and will reward those that reveal early their configuration/scores. I think this will make the game more fair & more synthetic and we will have great scores from the beginning of competitions
  10. Even if you are right - and i don't have any reason to believe that you aren't - it's not right to change the competition rules just before the end of the competition. Just 15 days left and this competition started two (2) months before. So pls don't discuss for it. Leave as it is even if it is a bit wrong. This is my humble opinion...
  11. Well done mate! mobo seem to be nice but the cpu is somehow a bit weak however considering your setup the score is more than good enough
  12. This ain't SDR mate. This is ddr2
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