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Everything posted by Dancop

  1. Amazing skill! !!!!!!!!! Awesome work as well!
  2. Allways welcome in my hands if you're sick of it
  3. Simply amazing!!! Just imagine how these cards at the same speeds end up with 5500 cpu
  4. 85 and I'm in
  5. All sold...thx for the space
  6. Hahaha...one of my most epic and offhanded sessions I've ever had It was great fun! In sum 3 genious 5960X in da house and all the boards with OC-socket!
  7. Selling these psus All are in very good condition p1600 (each)=110€ P1700=155€ shipping not included PM me for int. shipping quote
  8. Measurement is not a problem?!?!?!?! Damn!!!!! I've had a much better score but haven't saved it!
  9. hehehe...to come dude I fugured something out, that seeams to be pretty important for this benchmark
  10. So...which version has now to be chosen? Compare the specific rules with the general rules
  11. Don't wanna spend too much for mfr
  12. Give me a night
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