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Everything posted by Dancop

  1. But good anyway...now let's wait fir 780ti...and breaking some records! !! Nice job Ronaldo!
  2. Thanks BRO!!! Maybe there's a bit more in it...but definately not in the GPU!
  3. Next and last Pricedrop to 625 Euro for the GPU!!! Board is sold! PSU also sold!
  4. Hey Guys, I have some really nice stuff for sale! First of all my great clocking Titan Zombie by der8auer! 1633/1827 in heaven was also able to run 1679 but I ran out of LN2!!! ASIC 80.4%: http://hwbot.org/submission/2434177_dancop_unigine_heaven___xtreme_preset_geforce_gtx_titan_4462.69_dx11_marks Also great for 24/7 and gaming with 1400 in Far Cry 3 and GPU only watercooler 700 Euro or ask me Shipping included in EU, ask me for worldwide shipping Then my 4340 Haswell which is able to run BCLK 107+ easily!!! 96 Euro including shipping in Germany, other countries ask me for shipping quote. Then some BBSE I guess??? Didn’t look under the heatsink. 4x2GB F3-16000CL9D-4GBRH 76 Euro including shipping in Germany, other countries ask me for shipping quote. And not to forget my premodded Z77 OC Formula from Asrock and pre-modded VMEM through Nickshih…for more than 1.85VMEM 166 Euro including shipping in Germany, other countries ask me for shipping quote. Board is sold! And finally my Corsair HX1050W 106 Euro including shipping in Germany, other countries ask me for shipping quote. SOLD!!! That’s all…
  5. Dancop

    eVc ordering

    For me also 2 please!
  6. Dancop

    Wtb: 4770k

    Hi Guys, I'm searching a very good Haswell...I'll pay good for a good one and very good for a very good one! Regards Dancop
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