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Everything posted by Dancop

  1. Damn it...not uploaded right now...tomorrow then! But I'll improve it anyway!
  2. Fast bench before journey...my wife killed me On dice my cpu will run 5582...on water 5300!
  3. Yes...I tried it, but it was absolutely strange...so I changed most of the words, except your nick!
  4. Love Bench community, I recently member of the Executive .... blah blah blah No ... although I am now one of the team captains, but that is not the reason for my "tender". I would like to organize a session in the Odenwald. This should be the weekend from 16th to 18th august. HERE it would take place. http://www.maelzerei.de/haus/veranstaltungsraeume/hopfenkeller.html The cost would most likely 300 - totaled €. This space is ideal for that! We would get a key so we could stay there with sleeping bags and we are allowed to bring drinks and food! [/ I] If you appeal to this space and we get together at least 15 Bencher, I would book it! This thread is only for participants-collection! If there are enough participants for this find, I head to the organization! We will certainly have one or two liters of LN2 and thereby also enough space So ... please let me know who would like to participate and what you can muster. Please to active participation! Past participants: - The 8auer - Dancop - Moose83 - rossi94 - loopy83 - Bullshooter - Crazzzy85 Attendance: - MrOverClocker - Naennon and Annex regards Daniel
  5. Hey bro...just one point to get "Faster" Come one! Europe rocks! Sell me that GTX295
  6. What have you done with lod? I have worse fps with lod...especially when I run three cards! What's wrong? Do i have to reinstall my win?
  7. How have you got that efficiency? I have lower with three titans? They clock down while second 3d bench due to low load!
  8. Nice run...next week I'll change the the league and i hope, my cpu from hazzan will run as good as yours...then my three titans learn to fly
  9. Yep...you're right! I tried less paste, gelid extreme, no paste! That's all not the reason for 100K temp difference! There must be something else wrong...but i don't really know what it could be? I tested with armaflex donut and without, to ensure the right placing of EVAP - nothing helps...
  10. Watch this bro http://www.abload.de/gallery.php?key=shz1NbPU
  11. The owner before was able to run 5550@1.6v with it So...it seems so, that it's the true temperaure! I put a sensor on the cpu and it reads plus degrees!
  12. Yes it is...n/a in bios until i raise voltage to 1.55v...then it shows plus 5 or 7 degrees Here are some pictures: http://www.abload.de/gallery.php?key=shz1NbPU You can also see a prime run at 4,5GHz...my watercooler is better at that clocks! The EVAP at that test has got minus 48°C!!! There must be a readout failure
  13. Thanks bro...I remounted it 5 times now...no change so far. I was able to bench vantage with 5400 unter 4 degrees plus water!!! So it must be possible with this ss! I think it's a wrong readout. I'll try it without thermal paste...maybe the ss is too cold and that's the reason my CPU won't work properly
  14. hi guys, first time for me, running a single stage. it runs perfectly, but coretemp shows positive temperatures in Windows. ..it's more than positive! the evap has minus 50 degrees and the cpu at just 4.5 ghz and 1.26 volts 30 degrees plus through coretemp...this can't be true! the 3960x is pretested by hazzan and can do 5635@1.585! i was able to run 5400 under water...now under ss i have too much problems. coretemp shows positive temps. at 5500 load it shows 60 degrees plus, while the evap has minus 46 degrees! so i think it's a wrong readout...does anyone have that before, too? hazzan said...under 28 degrees minus it's too cold...so if i can believe the evap, I'm too cold, or could it be, that the cpu is so damn hot??? i bought it from someone who managed a 3930k at 5550 with minus 38 degrees...stable at evap!
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