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Hi all!


I have been testing several GTX 480 reference cards on aircooling and LN2.

I usually always test cards on aircooling and then on LN2.

This time I found something new on Nvidia cards.


On current generation cards you can easily see the P0 performance level voltage.

Just open the Nvidia inspector and open the overclocking page.

On the slider on right you can see P0 performance level voltage.

If it does not work you can check it with multimeter in 3D load etc.




P0 is very interesting value,

cause it will tell us few important things.

Lower voltage means directly lower leakage,

cause signal can be delivered inside GPU with less energy.

Higher P0 voltage will mean that the core need more voltage for same data output,

so more energy is lost and more unnecessary heat generated.


GPU's with low P0 value will work cooler and what I have been told from my sources,

there is higher thermal shutdown treshold on these GPU's as well.

So, if you need to pick some GPU for testing,

try to find low P0 ones.


This is nothing that new for most of us,

but now it is easy to see and predict how your card will overclock.

There is easy way to compare GPU's and it is fixed voltage.

If you use for example 1.07V voltage and 100% fan speed max overclock is correlating with P0 value in most cases.






Now I would need to ask you guys put some input on this thread:


Reference GTX 480 designs use 1.07V and 100% fan speed. Then try to run 3Dmark vantage and report the OC results here.


What I have seen in my own tests:

P0=1.063V / MAX OC on air = 775MHz in 3DMark Vantage

P0=0.985V / MAX OC on air = 900MHz in 3DMark Vantage


P0=1.063V / MAX OC on LN2 = 1100MHz in 3DMark Vantage

P0=0.985V / MAX OC on LN2 = 1300MHz in 3DMark Vantage


This thread is here to help you pick up the best cores for air, h2o and LN2 overclocking.

I hope at least few will bother to run few tests and let us all know the data.

This is confirmed information already from my sources, so there is no need to try to argue :up:


P.S This prediction method is proven to work on GTX 460/470/480 cards. It should work same way in all GPU's which have P0 3D VID values + powerstates.


Thanks for taking the time to write this up and post here. Much appreciated, and I would love to help out, just need to get a 480 graphics card now. :D

  • Crew
What I have seen in my own tests:

P0=1.063V / MAX OC on air = 775MHz in 3DMark Vantage

P0=0.985V / MAX OC on air = 900MHz in 3DMark Vantage


P0=1.063V / MAX OC on LN2 = 1100MHz in 3DMark Vantage

P0=0.985V / MAX OC on LN2 = 1300MHz in 3DMark Vantage


Thanx for sharing!


If I understood right, these are to different cards, right?


Goning to check, have a GTX480 here...:)


Interesting Test , for lowest P0 Voltages the capability of Overclock is more than P0 that have more high Voltage Values.


A question that I have is the variant TDP at CPU , Example :


CPU 1 : 95 W TDP


CPU 2 : 130 W TDP


Of that two CPU , what it have more capability of Overclocking ?


The CPU 1 need less Watts , it says that ºC is lowest than CPU 2.


I think that CPU 1 is more capability of Overclocking.


What do you think about it ?

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