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Guest TheMadDutchDude

Hey guys,


I'm wondering if anyone can shed a bit of light on the matter.


Basically, I've recently acquired a H55M-UD2H with the intention to put it under LN2 in two weeks time for some dual core goodness.


So, as you do, a bit of pretesting is required. I can't get the PCI-E frequency to go above 100MHz, which is limiting the BCLK ability of the board. As soon as it moves from 100MHz, the board refuses to boot. 101MHz is a no go, which is odd because I'm sure that should work...


Has anyone come across this before and if so... how did you fix it? I can't seem to figure it out. I've tried lowering the QPI and DRAM speed but that doesn't let me put it any higher either.


It's all still on air so I am not expecting wonders, but the board should be able to increase its frequency.


Hopefully your wisdom can point me in the right direction.


Thank you! :)


Right, off to bed for me. I have an article to write when I get up later. :D


I had one of these. It was a while ago though... I don't remember having any problems with it :/


Please can you post up some BIOS screens, that might jog a memory.


Have you tried different CPU? Also try different RAM kit, maybe SPD incompatibility or something, maybe half dead board. Those are mostly one of the best choices for Clarks @ LN2, high bclk is easy.



Also don't forget to do CBB mod before going LN2 ;)

Guest TheMadDutchDude

Thanks for the replies guys. I don't have another Clarkdale to try just yet but I'll order a few. They're so cheap now.


I didn't know that PCI-E didn't need to be touched on this board. You learn something new every day.


I guess the chip I have is just a dog then. It wouldn't surprise me. I've not had much luck recently. :D

Guest TheMadDutchDude

I've tried jumping straight to 120MHz, which it did NOT like at all. :D


The only way to get it to start again involves removing the CMOS battery and the power, or resetting the board ten or more times to initiate the "failed OC" sequence.


I've bought two i3 540s to see what happens with those. I'm not holding out much hope though.

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