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george.kokovinis - 4x GeForce GTX Titan X @ 1480/1995MHz - 57923 marks Catzilla - 1440p

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Guest george.kokovinis


Strange, but the bench ran normally.

During the fluid test there were some intermittent stripes on screen, but nothing more.

Although, it is about 1000 points more than what I expected, there is no way to alter a predefined ( 1440P ) setting of the benchmark.


This is the newer Catzilla version with 4K benchmark.


Strange, but the bench ran normally.

During the fluid test there were some intermittent stripes on screen, but nothing more.

Although, it is about 1000 points more than what I expected, there is no way to alter a predefined ( 1440P ) setting of the benchmark.


This is the newer Catzilla version with 4K benchmark.



Well your fur test seems bugged too, you got 5x higher score on fur test than 8 pack's 4 way titan x's lol

Guest george.kokovinis

Indeed, but I do not make the benchmark.

If it is a bugged run, I am not the one to have done it.

At least it is not an XTU run with Process Lasso and 50ghz frequency with 4000 XTU points that exists valid here.


AllBenchmark has the score at the top.

If it is bugged, so be it.


My previous score was 54500 and that one was certainly not bugged.

Guest george.kokovinis

Did a small research, because it is indeed strange.

Slinky, running 4x980ti Kingpin at 1500+ has a higher score than Wizerty running 4x980ti at 1800+.


Slinky on water, me on water, Wizerty on LN2.



Guest george.kokovinis

I have no objection to have the submission blocked by moderators, if there are grounds for this blocking.

Since it is not intentional from my side, I have no problem returning to my previous 3 WR place.

But then some thousand bugged submissions that remain here valid, should be removed too.

Guest george.kokovinis
Fur and raymarch mucho mucho mucho high.



Sure. Very high.

Do you know of a way to manipulate the benchmark ?


Because I do not.

It came out this way.


The Force did its magic. :)

Guest george.kokovinis
How about the N/A part, you think that's ok?


Sent from my A0001 using Tapatalk



Darth Veider and The Force had a fight.

This is the outcome.:)


"How about the N/A part, you think that's ok?"


Are you kidding me ?

Of course not.:D

Guest george.kokovinis

Slinky, I know very well and explained above.

But, it is also very weird that Wizerty and 8Pack, running on LN2 at 1800+ speed have lower score than yours.

I have not noticed anyone complaining that something is wrong with your submissions.

Because there is. Especially at 720P.

Remember BenchBros comment ? " A weird bonus of 10.000 points "


It is simply well covered up, while I come up front and tell the truth.


Your weird bonus is still up there.



Guest george.kokovinis

No link requested for Catzilla.


Folks, this is a weird submission.

Cut the crap and the criticism.

You call it bugged I call it weird.


As soon as I find out what went wrong, I will delete the sub myself.

Hungry minds to call the other player cheater, when I stated upfront that something is very wrong.


Did you try older version before 4K Catzilla introduced? Maybe different version make different score but no one find out the result difference. I dont comment this as judge or anything. Just curiousity if newer catzilla version made much higher score.


Best Regards,



All catzillas should be removed. They are too buggy. Who's to tell a slightly bugged run from an efficient one? That's what happened with slinky, his scores was removed time and again, until they were just a little bugged and no one cared anymore.

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